Rate Field

Rate Field Upper Reserved

section 554, row 12 seat view  - rate field

Features & Amenities

The cheapest tickets for a White Sox game are found in sections known as Upper Reserved. When the White Sox are good, this is the best spot to find a good deal. When they're not-so-good, these seats are mostly empty.

The far reaches of the upper deck (506-508, 556-558) are incredibly far away from the field, although the angle towards home plate are quite good for upper level seating.

Sections 516-520 and 544-548 are similar to nearby Upper Box Seats and can be had for a fraction of the cost. 516-520 also offer a phenomenal view of the fireworks.

Though the last ten rows of the upper deck are under an overhang, much of the LF line will still be exposed to the sun during afternoon games. To avoid melting on a hot summer day, choose a seat on the first base side where shade begins forming first.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Upper Reserved Photos

    Upper Reserved Seating Chart

    Baseball Upper Reserved Seating Chart at Rate Field

    Upper Reserved Reviews

      Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Right down the line"

      (Section 507) - -

      Upper deck just in the foul side of the outfield. High up but a cool perspective; good value for the price to enjoy a night out.

    • "Free Seats As Part of Kids Club"

      (Section 546) - -

      These seats were free after signing up for the Chicago White Sox Kids Club. Seats were pretty good. A little bit steep in this section, but you get a great view of the entire field. Took my 9 10 year-old sister to the game. Was a friendly crowd on a Wednesday night.

    • "Avoid Right Aisle Seats in the First Two Rows"

      (Section 544) - -

      These seats are in the first section of the cheaper upper deck seats. They have a great view of the out-of-town scoreboard and the main scoreboard in CF. However, there are seats in this section and in other sections in the 500 level that should absolutely be avoided. The aisle seats nearest home pl...

    Upper Reserved Sections

    White Sox Ticket Information

    The 2025 Chicago White Sox ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

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