Rate Field

Rate Field Outfield Reserved

white sox outfield seating

Features & Amenities

The cheapest on the 100 Level for a White Sox game are located in the outfield. The Bleachers occupy sections 160-164, while the rest of the outfield seats are known as Outfield Reserved.

Reserved seating in the outfield comes with quick access to the 100 level outfield concourse. The concourse includes the famous shower in center-field and well-stocked beer stands in left and right-field. The White Sox bullpen is in front of sections 157-158,, while the visitor's warm up near 104 and 105.

Beware of seats in 157-159 for afternoon games. These sections see more sun than anywhere else in the entire stadium.

Because the bullpens are in the best home run areas, the best chance to catch a home run ball at a White Sox game is in section 159 for right-handed batters and 103 for lefties.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Outfield Reserved Seating Chart

    Baseball Outfield Reserved Seating Chart at Rate Field

    Outfield Reserved Reviews

      Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Cellular field was great. You are able to see the whole field."

      (Section 103) -
    • "Right Behind the Foul Pole!"

      (Section 157) - -

      If you're sitting in Section 157, you might want to avoid aisle seats. Seat 1 on the right aisle is directly behind the foul pole! You can see nearly all of the field, but you can't see any of home plate! Super annoying! You can try and look around the pole, but that gets old real quick. Besides ...

    • "Pretty Good Outfield Seats"

      (Section 103) -

    Outfield Reserved Sections

    White Sox Ticket Information

    The 2025 Chicago White Sox ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

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