The delivery method that was provided by the primary market for your event is called a Mobile Electronic Transfer. Besides being the safest and most secure way to ensure that you obtain access to your tickets and gain entry to your event, it is also our most common delivery method, now that most venues have gone with digital ticketing. Because this delivery method is our most common, rest assured that we are going to make this process easy for you. We will be providing you with all the steps needed in order for you to quickly accept and access your tickets.
In order to assist you with locating, accepting and accessing your tickets, please read and follow the step-by-step guide below. This will help to ensure that you are ready for your event in no time!
Accepting your Mobile Electronic Transfer Tickets
Receive confirmation email from This email will notify you that your tickets have been transferred to you.
Locate transfer offer email from the seller. The transfer email will come from a separate platform sent around the time you received the notification email from
Hint: The transfer email will be coming from the primary market and will be sent by the seller of the tickets. The email subject line will most likely have the sellers name or state that you have been sent tickets (For example: [Name] has forwarded you tickets.)
Click the link or button in the transfer email. You will be directed to a log in page to create an account or log in.
Create an account or log in. Use the email that was used to place your order with
Follow the prompts to accept the tickets. After you have logged in, the page will give you instructions on how to accept your tickets. Follow the steps until you are able to see your tickets information.
Access web page on a mobile device. After your tickets have been accepted, you will need to pull up the mobile QR codes from your mobile device. You can do this by going to a mobile web browser and logging into the webpage where you originally accepted your tickets.
Additional Troubleshooting
If you receive an error message when logging in to the account page, please attempt to log back in later. Error messages can happen from time to time due to system issues on the third-party website. If you receive an error message, you should wait until later in the day to try again.
If you are having trouble accepting the tickets, we recommend troubleshooting from a different device or web browser. Some browsers and devices do not work well with the acceptance of tickets. We recommend that you attempt the transfer process from a desktop computer.
If you receive a message saying that your tickets were already accepted, you will likely just need to log in to the account and navigate to the home page to see your ticket information.