State Farm Stadium

Section 119 at State Farm Stadium


State Farm Stadium Section 119 View

Section 119 Seating Notes

  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts
  • Related Seating: Main Level

Row Numbers

  • For most events, rows in Section 119 are labeled 1-50
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 41
  • When looking towards the field/stage/court, lower number seats are on the right

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 119 Reviews

    • Main Level


      The Main Level at State Farm Stadium includes all 100-level seats. There are 44 sections numbered 101-144. Sitting in the 100-Level  Main-level seats are known for bringing fans close to the action on the field. Most sections have around 41 rows of seats. Caution: When sitting in rows 14 and below, players and equipment can block your areas of the field from view. For this reason, we recommend rows between 15-30 for the ideal viewing height. Red Zone Seats (138-144)  One group of seating that is unique is the Red Zone in sections 138-144. These seats have a large patio behind them to enjoy during intermissions or pregame. Sections near the end zones can provide a ton of excitement for scoring plays but can be more difficult to see the details at the other end of the field. Main Level Concert Seating  For concerts, the stage is typically set up on the side of the field nearest sections 101 and 137. To get the best views from the level, we recommend seats in the low rows of sections 106-110 and 128-132.   

    • Main Level Baseline (Basketball)


      Sitting in the lower level baseline is a good option for fans who want to be on the main level, but aren't able to find seats along the sideline. Seats here might have difficult views of the court from being behind the basket, but you get an excellent head on viewing angle to the endzone videoboards. It is important to note that reserved student seating occupies the closest options behind the baskets, so these sections do not extend as close to the court as other lower level options along the sidelines. Seating rows are numbered. Much like the side sections, additional seating has also been added to the main level baseline sections, and you will find less elevation between rows when sitting near the south basket (sections 138-144). Should you have the option, we recommend sections behind the north basket as they face the larger of the 2 endzone videoboards at the stadium. 

    • Main Level Endzone (Football)


      Just behind the north and south endzones on the closest level to the playing field, the Main Level Endzone seating sections offer the best views from in front and behind the line of scrimmage. Sections in the north endzone (117-121) are large with 40 rows of seating followed by a handicap accessible seating row as well, but these seats offer some of the best views of the large videoboard that sits atop the south endzone. Fans sitting in the south endzone will have smaller sections with just 12 rows of seating, but are far from the concourses and restrooms, and are also left with a view of the smaller videoboard above the north endzone. 

    Cardinals Ticket Information

    The 2025 Arizona Cardinals ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

    • Cardinals
    • Other Football
    • Concert