State Farm Stadium

Standing Room Only Tickets at State Farm Stadium

Standing Room Only Seat Views

Features & Amenities

The primary Standing Room Only (SRO) areas at State Farm Stadium are located just above the lower seating bowl behind each endzone. Fans standing behind the northwest endzone will have a better view as the standing area is slightly closer to the field than the opposite endzone, and this position also provides a head-on view to the larger videoboard.

The standing area at the southeast endzone provides more of a party atmosphere, with a head on view to the smaller (but still impressive) videoboard located above the northwest endzone.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Standing Room Only Photos

    Standing Room Only Seating Charts

    Standing Room Only Reviews

    Better Standing Room in the North Endzone

    Aug 2014

    Football Review
    Standing Room Only

    The standing room areas in the south endzone resembles more of a concert atmosphere, and is not well suited for those who actually want to watch the game on the field. Extremely crowded and packed with younger fans, no doubt that this is a great area to socialize and party, but the views of the field are not only far, but also incredibly difficult through the mob of people. Concessions are not all that close, meaning you might be gone for a while if you leave to grab a beer, and by the time you get back you'll have lost any decent spot you once had. Above the opposite endzone, it feels completely different. You have good views of the field, and its far quieter and less crowded. You stand behind a red line just at the back of the endzone sections, but the view is decent and you also get to face the awesome larger videoboard. Concessions and restrooms are much closer and overall it is a far less stressful standing area for watching the game.

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      The 2025 Arizona Cardinals ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

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