Arena Arena Suites

Suites Seat Views

Features & Amenities Arena features a large ring of suites located below the 300 level. There are three rings of suites with A suites located closest to the court and C suites located highest up.

Suites give fans a private space to enjoy events with comfortable seating. The size can vary, please check seller notes to see the amount of tickets associated with the listing.

Suite Locations

Suite numbers can be seen on the Staples Center seating chart. To sit in the best location on each level look at suite number near the following:

  • A Suites: A8-A13 and A44-A49
  • B Suites: B8-B15 and B46-53
  • C Suites: C8-C15 and C31-C38

These seats will have sideline views for sporting events and closer views for all concerts.

Please read the seller notes in the ticket listing and on the checkout page to determine where exactly your suite is and if you are purchasing tickets for an entire suite or a single ticket within a suite.

Please note: Due to health and safety protocols in 2025, food availability, club access, wait service and other amenities are subject to change without notice.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Suites Seating Charts

    Event Schedule

    • Kings
    • Lakers
    • Sparks
    • Concert
    • Other Basketball