Fenway Park Grandstand Seats

Features & Amenities
Grandstand Seats at Fenway Park - especially on the infield - are the biggest gamble when it comes to obstructed seats. Even if you are not directly behind a support, you may encounter a pole when looking towards the pitcher's mound, second base or the outfield.
If having an obstructed view will ruin your outing, it's usually not worth the time and energy figuring out if your seat is obstructed or not. We recommend avoiding the entire Grandstand and focusing your search on other areas of the ballpark with clear sitelines.
So why sit in the Grandstand at all? There are two main reasons:
First, the Grandstand seats demonstrate the charm of Fenway Park better than any other area. The overhang, the support poles and the old-timey seats are a throwback to baseball in the first half of the 20th century.
Second, these Grandstand sections offer the best protection from the elements. Whether you're trying to stay dry on a rainy day - or cool on an August afternoon - the Grandstand has you covered, literally (Tip for families: to be closer to concessions and restrooms, choose sections 26-27 or 11-12).
Additional Grandstand Notes
- Sections are usually organized into Grandstand Infield and Grandstand Outfield
- Grandstand sections 1-6 are covered but are still in the sun during late afternoon
- Grandstand sections on the third base side have better sitelines than those on the first base side
Note: These seats are highlighted on the map
Interactive Seating Chart
Grandstand Seats Photos
Grandstand Seats Seating Charts
Grandstand Seats Reviews
Avoid the right side
Baseball Review
Grandstand 1
The beam at the right side of the row limits the view for seats furthest to the right in all the seating rows
Beam at the right
Baseball Review
Grandstand 2
Seats near the left aisle will have a difficult view due to the support beam. Seats near the right aisle are much better.
Clear views at Row 1
Baseball Review
Grandstand 3, Row 1
If you can find a seat in Row 1, you'll have a clear and unobstructed view to the field
Right side has the better angle
Baseball Review
Grandstand 3, Row 2-18
Most rows in Grandstand Section 3 have better views near the right aisle. If you sit near the left aisle, the beam at the left can impact your view of the infield.
Row 1 has the best views
Baseball Review
Grandstand 4, Row 1
All seats in Row 1 have a clear view to the infield, but the higher rows have a to deal with the support beam obstructions.
Avoid the left side at all costs
Baseball Review
Grandstand 4, Row 2-17
Views from the seats near the left side of the section are incredibly difficult as you have multiple beams blocking your view of the infield. Whenever possible, stick with the seats near the right aisle in Grandstand 4 for the best views in most seating rows.
No relief from the beams
Baseball Review
Grandstand 5
The support beam to the left is down a few rows into the loge box, and a few seats in from the aisle creating difficult views from just about every row. Best place to be is probably the far left side of rows 4-10.
Difficult to avoid an obstructed view
Baseball Review
Grandstand 6
There is a beam about 7 seats in off the right aisle just in front of the first row, and more beams to the left as you look toward home plate. Best bet for a clear view is the far left seats in the lowest rows.
Beam in the middle
Baseball Review
Grandstand 7
A support beam is about 12 seats in off the right aisle just in front of the first row - almost right in the middle of the section. With more beams to the left of the section, views here are incredibly difficut as there is little relief from obstruction
Stay low and left or high and right
Baseball Review
Grandstand 8
The beam in front of the first row creates some really difficult views in the seats near the right aisle in the lower rows. However, fans near the left aisle in the lower rows will have clear views of the infield, as well as those near the right aisle in the upper rows.
Very few seats with clear views of the infield
Baseball Review
Grandstand 9
A beam at the right side of the first row (about 5 seats in) makes for really difficult views of the infield in most rows. Best place to be is near the left aisle in Rows 4 through 8.
Unobstructed infield views from Rows 1 and 2
Baseball Review
Grandstand 10, Row 1-2
Sitting near the front of Grandstand 10 (Rows 1 and 2) will get you clear, unobstructed views of the infield.
Seats to the right are best in Rows 3 and up
Baseball Review
Grandstand 10, Row 3-17
When sitting in rows 3 and higher in Grandstand Section 10, stick to seats near the right aisle. Seats closer to the left side of the row will have obstructed views of the infield.
Better to be left and low
Baseball Review
Grandstand 11
The obnoxious support beam just in front of Row 1 and almost right in the middle of the row. Seats on the right side of the section will have the more difficult views, but if you can get a seat near the left aisle and in a low numbered row, you will have good clear views of the infield.
Need to be either low row on the right, or high row on the left
Baseball Review
Grandstand 12
Given the position of the support beam, you either want to be at the very right side of the lower rows (1 through 3), or at the far left side of the higher rows (10 and above). Other seats in the section will have to deal with some form of obstruction when viewing into the infield.
Obstructed on the left side
Baseball Review
Grandstand 13
Staying in the first few seats off the right aisle in Rows 1-10 will provide a clear view into the infield.
Challenging views at the left side of the section
Baseball Review
Grandstand 14
One of the larger grandstand sections, you can find some unobstructed views in the lower row seats near the right side of the section, but you will want to avoid being on the furthest right aisle seat. Other seating areas are more risky here, especially closer to the left side of the section where your view of the pitchers mound and batters box can be limited.
Safe at the front
Baseball Review
Grandstand 15, Row 1
You'll have clear, unobstructed views from any seat in Row 1 of Grandstand Section 15
Most difficult views are near the ends - instead sit near the middle
Baseball Review
Grandstand 15, Row 2-19
Other than in the front row, you will find some kind of frustrating obstruction in every row of Grandstand 15. Sit too far to the right and you lose the pitchers mound, too far left and you'll be blocked from the batters box. Your safest bet here is to as close to the middle of the row as possible.
Sit in Row 1 for a clear view
Baseball Review
Grandstand 16, Row 1
Views from the first row of Grandstand 16 are safely free of obstruction
Avoid the aisles and opt for middle seats
Baseball Review
Grandstand 16, Row 2-19
At the front row you won't have to deal with the beams blocking your view, but in the other rows you'll want to be in the middle seats. Sitting near the aisles will mean you're blocked out from the batters box (right aisle) or pitchers mound (left aisle)
Clear views of pitchers mound and batters box in Rows 1 through 3
Baseball Review
Grandstand 17, Row 1-3
Although you might have some difficult views to second base in the seats on the right side of the row, all seats in Rows 1-3 of Grandstand 17 will have unobstructed views to both the pitchers mound and batters box. For the best views here, sit near the left aisle.
No pitchers mound view from right side
Baseball Review
Grandstand 17, Row 4-16
Seats near the left aisle will be great, but closer to the right aisle in Rows 4 and higher in Grandstand 17 will leave you with a tough and sometimes non-existent view of the ball leaving the pitchers hand.
Don't have to worry about the beams in Row 1
Baseball Review
Grandstand 18, Row 1
There is a support beam which sits just 4 seats in from the right aisle and directly in the line for Row 1. There are no seats in Row 1 which will have an obstructed view, but be cautious if sitting any higher (Rows 2 and up)
Stay within 6 seats of the left aisle
Baseball Review
Grandstand 18, Row 2-16
Seats closer to the right side of Grandstand 18 will have to contend with the support beam for a view of the batters box and pitchers mound. But if you can stay no more than 6 seats in from the left aisle, you'll be left with tremendous views of the infield.
Good viewing from the first 15 rows!
Baseball Review
Grandstand 19, Row 1-15
You might lose some of the third base area from seats near the left aisle in Rows 5 and higher, but seats in Rows 1 through 15 in Grandstand 19 will have clear viewing angles to the pitchers mound, batters box, and the majority of the infield. Excellent option for fans searching for deals in the Grandstand, especially if you can find seats near the right side of the section.
Blocked out from homeplate in the upper rows on the left aisle
Baseball Review
Grandstand 19, Row 16-18
If you're sitting in the last few rows of Grandstand 19, be sure to avoid the left aisle as these seats have a difficult view of home plate and the batters box. Sitting in the middle or towards the right side of the section will help you avoid any viewing issues.
Eliminate viewing obstructions by sitting in Row 1
Baseball Review
Grandstand 20, Row 1
The only row where you'll be safe from an obstructed view is Row 1. The beam at the right side of the front row doesn't impact the view for fans at the front, but will be endlessly frustrating for those on the right aisle in Rows 2 and higher.
Avoid the right aisle if you want to see either the pitcher or batter
Baseball Review
Grandstand 20, Row 2-18
The beam at the right side or Row 1 could not be in a worse place for those sitting near the right aisle. You will struggle to see both the pitchers mound and the batters box - so avoid the seats near the right aisle at all costs. If you can find seats at the left side of the section though, you will be treated to excellent views of the game.
Great Grandstand views in the first 8 rows
Baseball Review
Grandstand 21, Row 1-8
Sitting in the first 8 rows ensures you'll have clear views of the pitchers mound, batters box, and most of the infield, no matter what seat number you end up with. For the absolute best views, stick near the right side of the section.
Opt for the right side if possible
Baseball Review
Grandstand 21, Row 9-18
Seats in Rows 9 and higher near the aisle at the left side of the section will have difficult views of the pitchers mound and shortstop area. Go for the seats on the right side of the section and you will have amazing unobstructed views of the infield.
No beam issues from Row 1
Baseball Review
Grandstand 22, Row 1
A seat in Row 1 of Grandstand 22 will ensure a clear view to the field. Fans in row 2 and higher will struggle to see the catcher and batter from seats near the right side of the section.
Batters box blockout on the right
Baseball Review
Grandstand 22, Row 2-18
Unless you were lucky enough to get a seat in Row 1, you'll struggle to see pretty much anything around home plate with a seat near the right aisle due to the support beam.
Safely infront of the pillar
Baseball Review
Grandstand 23, Row 1
All seats in Grandstand Section 23 Row 1 will be safely infront of the support pillar, allowing clear views to the infield.
Issues on the left side
Baseball Review
Grandstand 23, Row 2-16
Seats on the left half of the section will unfortunately have to contend with a support beam for a view of the pitchers mound and batters box. Instead, choose seats near the right side of the section for safer views of the entire infield.
No obstructions in the first two rows
Baseball Review
Grandstand 24, Row 1-3
Sitting in the first 3 rows of Grandstand 24 offer clear views to the majority of the infield. As you get higher in the section, the views begin to deteriorate thanks to the support beam in front of the left side of the section.
Tough views of pitchers mound and left side of the infield
Baseball Review
Grandstand 24, Row 4-16
While the seats at the right side of Grandstand 24 will have excellent views of the entire field, seats near the left aisle in Rows 4 and higher will have a tough time trying to get an obstructed view of the pitchers mound and the left side of the infield.
Front row is the way to go
Baseball Review
Grandstand 25, Row 1
Being in Row 1 will help you avoid any viewing issues when sitting in Grandstand 25
Middle seats are the safest for clear views
Baseball Review
Grandstand 25, Row 2-18
In most rows of Grandstand 25 (the exception being Row 1), the middle seats are going to be the safest bet for decent views to the field. Sitting within a few seats of the right aisle leaves the beam right between the pitchers mound and homeplate, leaving you tracking pitches through the obnoxious beam. And if you're near the left aisle, you
No obstruction concerns in the first row
Baseball Review
Grandstand 26, Row 1
Seats in Grandstand 26 Row 1 have nothing to worry about in regard to support beams blocking the view of the infield.
Limited views at the right side
Baseball Review
Grandstand 26, Row 2-18
If you can get a seat in the first row of Grandstand 26, opt for seats at the left side of the section. Fans near the right aisle will have a very limited view of the pitchers mound due to the support pillar.
Need to be a few seats in from the right aisle
Baseball Review
Grandstand 27
There is no espcaping an obstructed view in Grandstand 27 if you're looking by row number alone as even seats in Row 1 can have obstructed views near the right aisle. But if you can avoid the first 4 seats off the right aisle in any of the rows, you will be in great shape to see the entire infield without any limitation.
Hard to avoid the low row beam to the right
Baseball Review
Grandstand 28
While one of the smaller Grandstand sections, the views of the infield are still very difficult from Grandstand 28 due to the beam at the left side of neighboring Grandstand 27. Seating doesn't begin until row 3 in this triangle shaped section, causing the lower beam to really create havoc with views of the pitchers mound and middle infield.
Infield views limited by the pillars
Baseball Review
Grandstand 29
Grandstand Section 29 seems to be at a perfect angle for keeping those pesky beams in your views of the infield. This is most noticeable near the left and right aisles, however if you can find a seat near the middle in any of the rows, you will actually have a good clear view.
Excellent Grandstand viewing position
Baseball Review
Grandstand 30, Row 1-2,4-5
With a section entry tunnel occupying the far right side of the first 6 rows, you can find some excellent unobstructed views of the infield from almost any seat in these lower rows of Grandstand 30. Avoid Row 3 as the far left seat is right behind the beam, but otherwise any seat in Rows 1, 2, 4, or 5 will have surprisingly good views for the Grandstand.
Stay left for a clearer view of the infield
Baseball Review
Grandstand 30, Row 7-18
Rows 7 and higher put you above the entry tunnel meaning you have the potential to be on the far right aisle where the views are incredibly difficult. Whenever possible, opt for seats closer to the left aisle but be sure to avoid the aisle seats themselves when sitting in Rows 7 and higher.
Full views from the Grandstand
Baseball Review
Grandstand 31, Row 1-2,4-5
The great thing about sitting in the lower rows (1 through 5) of Grandstand 31 is that it puts you to the left of the entry tunnel at the right side of the section. Therefore, the beam at the right is never an issue no matter what seat number you get as you are far enough to the left to see clearly to the infield. Most seats in Row 3 are great, but be sure to avoid the left aisle seats in that row as they are directly behind the beam at the left side of the section.
Beam in the middle of the infield when sitting on the right side
Baseball Review
Grandstand 31, Row 7-18
If sitting above the entry tunnel (Rows 7+) in Grandstand 31, you want to be sure to avoid the seats at the far right side of the section. These will have limited infield views due to the beam at the right side of the section. Seats closer to the left aisle are a much safer option.
Safe from obstruction near the front
Baseball Review
Grandstand 32, Row 2,4-5
The front rows of Grandstand 32 are smaller than most in the section due to the entry tunnel taking up space at the right side. The biggest benefit to these smaller rows is that they are don't have any seats near the right aisle where the views of the infield are more difficult. Therefore, if you can find a seat in Rows 5 and lower here, you'll have a great view of the infield no matter what seat number you get. Just try to avoid the left aisle in Row 3 as this is directly behind the support beam at the left side of the section.
Stick to the left half of the row
Baseball Review
Grandstand 32, Row 7-18
Seats on the right half of Rows 7 and higher will have difficult views of the infield thanks to the support beam located at the right side of the section. But if you can get a seat closer to the left aisle, you can actually find some great value with a clear line of sight to all areas of the infield.
Clear views from the first 2 rows
Baseball Review
Grandstand 33, Row 1-2
At Rows 1 and 2 in Grandstand 33 you will be safely in front of any obstruction caused by the support pillar at the right (located at Row 2). Sit any higher and you do run the risk of any obstructed view from that right side pillar.
Not easy to find a clear infield view
Baseball Review
Grandstand 33, Row 3-15
Grandstand 33 is a smaller section located right next to the monster in the left field corner, and unless you're in either Rows 1 or 2, you'll have a difficult time trying to find a clear view to the infield. Your best bet is stay either in a low row (3 through 6) near the left side of the section, or in a higher row (12 or above) near the right aisle.
Grandstand Seats Sections
More Seating at Fenway Park
Red Sox Ticket Information
The 2025 Boston Red Sox ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.
Event Schedule
- 4Apr
St. Louis Cardinals at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, April 4 at 2:10 PM
- 5Apr
St. Louis Cardinals at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, April 5 at 4:10 PM
- 6Apr
St. Louis Cardinals at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, April 6 at 7:10 PM
- 7Apr
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, April 7 at 6:45 PM
- 8Apr
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, April 8 at 6:45 PM
- 9Apr
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, April 9 at 6:45 PM
- 10Apr
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Thursday, April 10 at 4:10 PM
- 18Apr
Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, April 18 at 7:10 PM
- 19Apr
Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, April 19 at 4:10 PM
- 20Apr
Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, April 20 at 1:35 PM
- 21Apr
Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, April 21 at 11:10 AM
- 22Apr
Seattle Mariners at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, April 22 at 6:45 PM
- 23Apr
Seattle Mariners at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, April 23 at 6:45 PM
- 24Apr
Seattle Mariners at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Thursday, April 24 at 1:35 PM
- 2May
Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, May 2 at 7:10 PM
- 3May
Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, May 3 at 4:10 PM
- 4May
Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, May 4 at 1:35 PM
- 6May
Texas Rangers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, May 6 at 6:45 PM
- 7May
Texas Rangers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, May 7 at 6:45 PM
- 8May
Texas Rangers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Thursday, May 8 at 1:35 PM
- 16May
Atlanta Braves at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, May 16 at 7:10 PM
- 17May
Atlanta Braves at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, May 17 at 7:15 PM
- 18May
Atlanta Braves at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, May 18 at 1:35 PM
- 19May
New York Mets at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, May 19 at 6:45 PM
- 20May
New York Mets at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, May 20 at 6:45 PM
- 21May
New York Mets at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, May 21 at 6:45 PM
- 22May
Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Thursday, May 22 at 6:45 PM
- 23May
Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, May 23 at 7:10 PM
- 24May
Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, May 24 at 4:10 PM
- 25May
Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, May 25 at 1:35 PM
- 2Jun
Los Angeles Angels at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, June 2 at 7:10 PM
- 3Jun
Los Angeles Angels at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, June 3 at 7:10 PM
- 4Jun
Los Angeles Angels at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, June 4 at 1:35 PM
- 9Jun
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, June 9 at 7:10 PM
- 10Jun
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, June 10 at 7:10 PM
- 11Jun
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, June 11 at 7:10 PM
- 13Jun
New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, June 13 at 7:10 PM
- 14Jun
New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, June 14 at 7:15 PM
- 15Jun
New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, June 15 at 1:35 PM
- 27Jun
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, June 27 at 7:10 PM
- 28Jun
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, June 28 at 4:10 PM
- 29Jun
Toronto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, June 29 at 1:35 PM
- 30Jun
Cincinnati Reds at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, June 30 at 7:10 PM
- 1Jul
Cincinnati Reds at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, July 1 at 7:10 PM
- 2Jul
Cincinnati Reds at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, July 2 at 7:10 PM
- 7Jul
Colorado Rockies at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, July 7 at 7:10 PM
- 8Jul
Colorado Rockies at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, July 8 at 7:10 PM
- 9Jul
Colorado Rockies at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, July 9 at 7:10 PM
- 10Jul
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Thursday, July 10 at 7:10 PM
- 11Jul
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, July 11 at 7:10 PM
- 12Jul
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, July 12 at 4:10 PM
- 13Jul
Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, July 13 at 1:35 PM
- 25Jul
Los Angeles Dodgers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, July 25 at 7:10 PM
- 26Jul
Los Angeles Dodgers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, July 26 at 7:15 PM
- 27Jul
Los Angeles Dodgers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, July 27 at 1:35 PM
- 1Aug
Houston Astros at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, August 1 at 7:10 PM
- 2Aug
Houston Astros at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, August 2 at 4:10 PM
- 3Aug
Houston Astros at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, August 3 at 11:35 AM
- 4Aug
Kansas City Royals at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, August 4 at 7:10 PM
- 5Aug
Kansas City Royals at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, August 5 at 7:10 PM
- 6Aug
Kansas City Royals at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, August 6 at 7:10 PM
- 15Aug
Miami Marlins at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, August 15 at 7:10 PM
- 16Aug
Miami Marlins at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, August 16 at 4:10 PM
- 17Aug
Miami Marlins at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, August 17 at 1:35 PM
- 18Aug
Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, August 18 at 7:10 PM
- 19Aug
Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, August 19 at 7:10 PM
- 29Aug
Pittsburgh Pirates at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, August 29 at 7:10 PM
- 30Aug
Pittsburgh Pirates at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, August 30 at 4:10 PM
- 31Aug
Pittsburgh Pirates at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, August 31 at 1:35 PM
- 1Sep
Cleveland Guardians at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Monday, September 1 at 1:35 PM
- 2Sep
Cleveland Guardians at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, September 2 at 6:45 PM
- 3Sep
Cleveland Guardians at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, September 3 at 6:45 PM
- 12Sep
New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, September 12 at 7:10 PM
- 13Sep
New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, September 13 at 4:10 PM
- 14Sep
New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Sunday, September 14 at 1:35 PM
- 16Sep
Athletics at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Tuesday, September 16 at 6:45 PM
- 17Sep
Athletics at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Wednesday, September 17 at 6:45 PM
- 18Sep
Athletics at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Thursday, September 18 at 1:35 PM
- 26Sep
Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Friday, September 26 at 7:10 PM
- 27Sep
Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, September 27 at 4:10 PM
- 27Sep
Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park - Boston, MA
Saturday, September 27 at 4:10 PM