The January 14th show at Coushatta Casino Pavilion was one of the first shows Lee Brice scheduled in 2023. In all, there were more than a half-dozen shows scheduled across North America.
Ticket prices for Lee Brice concerts in 2023 averaged about $110. Among these, the July 28th show in Boston (Leader Bank Pavilion) was the cheapest, with an average ticket price less than $95.
Lowest Average Ticket Price for 2023
- July 28th - Leader Bank Pavilion - $95
- October 21st - Mohegan Sun Arena - $110
- July 6th - Canada Life Centre - $110
- April 25th - Canadian Tire Centre - $115
- May 28th - Maine Savings Amphitheater - $135
- April 29th - Canada Life Place - $145
- April 14th - Rogers Place - $160
The January 30th show at Mohegan Sun Arena was one of the first shows Lee Brice scheduled in 2022. In all, there were more than a half-dozen shows scheduled across North America.
Ticket prices for Lee Brice concerts in 2022 averaged about $95. Among these, the November 5th show in Charleston (Credit One Stadium) was the cheapest, with an average ticket price less than $80.
Lowest Average Ticket Price for 2022
- November 5th - Credit One Stadium - $80
- June 11th - Saint Louis Music Park - $80
- January 30th - Mohegan Sun Arena - $90
- September 23rd - Brookshire Grocery Arena - $95
- September 16th - PNC Pavilion - $95
- June 16th - Toledo Zoo Amphitheatre - $100
- September 8th - Ting Pavilion - $105
- September 10th - Red Hat Amphitheater - $105