Shaded Seats at Target Field

sunny day game at Target Field
Sunny days are common in Minneapolis during the summer months

While Minneapolis is the coldest baseball city in the major leagues, summertimes in the Twin Cities are as sunny as any other big league destination. Fans sensitive to the sun should be cautious when purchasing tickets to a Twins game in June, July or August. Fortunately, Target Field features several seating options protected from the sun.

Most Twins game in the summer begin at 1:10 p.m.. For these games, here are the best shaded seats at Target Field:

Shaded Seats on the Main Level

main level shade
The overhang above Main Level seats keeps many of them shaded for day games

Main Level seats at Target Field are those located at field level. The best seats - sections 1-17 - are rarely shaded. Instead, if you want to sit close to the field and still be out of the sun, consider sections 107-122.

On the first base side of the field (the Twins side), rows 10 and above are typically shaded for 1:00 p.m. games. Lower rows will also become shaded by the end of the game.

On the third base side, rows 20 and above are usually shaded at first pitch. Rows 15-20 will be shaded by the end of the game, but lower rows will stay sunny.

Sitting on the Club Level For a Day Game

The Club Level may be the best place to sit when the weather is a factor. Thrivent Club sections A-R provide a fantastic view of the field and access to the indoor club lounge. If it's raining, you can duck inside to avoid getting wet or to wait out a delay. And if it's too hot outside, you can retreat to the club until the shade reaches your seats.

target field club lounge
If the weather outside is inclement, you can always escape inside with club level tickets

All club level seats will eventually be shaded during day games, but the shade arrives at different times. Sections A-D are almost always shaded after 1 o'clock. Meanwhile, sections E-J will start in the sun and eventually become shaded. Finally, the upper rows of sections K-R begin in the shade, while the lower rows become shaded by the middle innings.

Finding the Cheapest Seats in the Shade

Because the sun will set behind home plate, there are some great options for shade on the Terrace Level. Sections 308-322 are among the best of the best. Ticket prices in these seats are often far less expensive than tickets in the Main and Club Level - and the shade will be just as good, if not better.

target field upper deck shade
Terrace Level seats - especially those in right field - are the cheapest shaded seats

For a 1 p.m. game, sit in sections 301-316 to stay shaded. Seats on the other side of the field may be shaded at first pitch, but they might eventually wind up in the sun. If forced to choose seats in sections 316-327, choose a high row in a section closest to home plate.

Sitting in the Outfield

The outfield seats at Target Field are commonly referred to as the sunniest seats in the ballpark. Most of these seats are in direct sunlight from noon until sunset. However, two blocks of sections in the outfield are well shaded.

First, in right field, sections 132-136 are covered by the Grandstand overhang. Fittingly known as Treasure Island Cove, these are your best bet for shade in the outfield.

target field outfield seats
Outfield sections typically see more sun than seats closer to the diamond

In left field, the Bleachers (128-131) are also under an overhang that blocks out the sun. Unfortunately, the overhang can only do so much. The first couple rows in these sections will always be in the sun and rows 3-5 will usually be in the sun by the mid-innings. To keep things simple, aim for rows 6 and above to avoid sunshine safely.

Avoid seats in the Home Run Porch (229-234 and 329-334), as the only shade comes from the clouds.

Covered Seats at Target Field

covered seats target field
The back rows of many sections are covered and protected from the rain

When the weather warms up, Minneapolis sees a spike in rainfall. June and July are the wettest months in Minnesota and Target Field was (controversially) built without a roof. When the forecast calls for rain, Twins fans need to know where to find covered seats.

Here are some of the best spots for staying dry:

  • Rows 20+ in sections 107-122
  • Rows 10+ in the Club Level
  • Rows 5+ in the Upper Deck (except sections in the far corners)