St. Augustine Amphitheatre

Section 103 at St. Augustine Amphitheatre


St. Augustine Amphitheatre Section 103 View

Section 103 Seating Notes

Row Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 103 are labeled A-N

Ticket Deals for Section 103

Event/Date Section 103Pit 3Section 101Section 203All Sections

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Section 103 Reviews

  • Reserved Seating


    Most seating at St. Augustine Amphitheatre is reserved with assigned rows and seat numbers. In fact, the only time all tickets are not reserved is when the pit seats near the stage are removed to create a General Admission Pit area. Reserved seating can be categorized into two types: Main Pavilion (101-103 and 201-203)  There are three levels located underneath the canopy at St. Augustine Amphitheatre. The levels are Pit sections 1-3, 101-103, and 201-203. The main pavilion has a nice slope to it which allows for good views to the stage from every seat. The only difference between the 100 and 200 sections is the distance from the stage and color of the seats.  With all seats having a good view, we recommend prioritizing a row closer to the stage over a centered section. Open Air Seating (300-304)  Sections 300-304 are located outside the main pavilion and are uncovered. Views from these sections are much further than those in the 100 and 200 levels.  The level is raised above a walkway, separating it considerably from the seats below. Without any lawn seating, seats here are likely to be the cheapest option for a concert. Fans looking at tickets should weigh the price, views, and exposure to weather. 

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