Seat Ratings Mentioning Shade/Cover

"Great view!! High up but awesome view of everything!" - ★★★★
Section 8C, Row 27, Seat 11 (Football)
Our seats were very good. U can see everything from here. Its only a few rows from the very top row but it was. Great! Seats were bleacher style and hurt my butt after a while but nothing a seat cushion couldn't fix. Could hear crowd very good and great view of every play. Great priced seats. I paid $70 per ticket to watch one of the best football teams, in one of the, if not best,best stadiums , and the BEST DAMN BAND IN THE LAND!!. Environment is unbelievable. A must see!! Left ten minutes left in game and went to the bus where players get on shuttle bus after game and was right on the fence, and got 7 starters autographs!! Amazing day! Campus and columbus on game day is electrifying!...More

"Thought I would hate them, LOVED Them instead!!" - ★★★★
Section 27C, Row 29, Seat 35 (Football)
Thought I'd hate these seats since they were in C deck away from the field. Ended up LOVING them instead. Can see Everything develop on field on the field and half-time shows with new band director were Awesome! Used to have A deck tickets and only saw about 80% of the game or anything else that was going on, would often miss key plays at North end of field due to crowd and other obstructions. Going to stay with C deck from now on!...More

"Western Kentucky Hilltoppers at Ohio State Buckeyes Football - Sep 16, 2023" - ★★★
Section 15D, Row 4 (Football)
For being in the most upper deck, they provide a good vantage point. That said, there is a plexiglass cover on the railing infront of the seats which hinders the sight of about half the field. It was workable but not ideal....More

"Great seats/view" - ★★★★
Section 22A, Row 15, Seats 17-18 (Football)
Seats great. Could not find/access VIP area which was included with seats. Disappointing.

"Best i have ever had. Want these next year!" - ★★★★★
Section 24B, Row 1 (Football)
Absolute best seats in the stadium, no rain, no direct sun, added seats roomy

"Great Seats" - ★★★★★
Section 17C, Row 18, Seats 13-16 (Football)
You could see everything

"Close" - ★★★★
Section 28AA, Row 1, Seat 27 (Football)
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