XL Center

Section 114 at XL Center


XL Center Section 114 View

Section 114 Seating Notes

  • These seats are located behind the home bench

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 114 are labeled A-U
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row U

Ticket Deals for Section 114

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Section 114 Reviews

  • 100 Level Sideline


    There are not many, if any, bad views in the 100 level sideline sections. This is due to the incline between rows, offering great elevated sight lines for the top rows and really close views for the lower rows. Look at sections 114-117 to be behind the benches and 102-105 to be looking at the benches. Tunnels to the concourse are at the top of each section, so be ready for a lot of steps if sitting closer to the court. 

Event Schedule
