Wrigley Field

Section 324 at Wrigley Field


Wrigley Field Section 324 View

Section 324 Seating Notes

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 324 are labeled 1-10

Ticket Deals for Section 324

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Section 324 Reviews

Underrated Seats

Jul 2018

Baseball Review
Section 324, Row 3, Seats 3&4

These seats have a great elevated view of the infield. They are in the shade as well which is great on a hot summer day. Anything in the 400 level on the infield is great!

Great view

Jul 2011

Baseball Review
Section 324, Row 1, Seat 3

  • Upper Boxes


    Upper Box seats at Wrigley Field are all 300-numbered sections. These seats are at the front of the upper deck and provide outstanding elevated views. Each section has close to 10 rows of seating with some being slightly shorter to accommodate ADA areas. This makes them some of the smallest sections in the stadium. Upper Box Infield Seats   Sitting in sections 308-314 and 319-327 is comparable to sitting on the club level at most other ballparks. In fact, after recent renovations Wrigley Field converted the four sections between these groups into the Catalina Club because of its great location. Infield seats are the best option outside of the club in the upper level. Fans can take comfort in clear views and shade during day games. For an extra bonus, look at seats in rows 7 or higher to be under cover as well. More Upper Box Information Upper Box Midfield: Sections 305-307 and 327-329  Upper Box Outfield: Sections 303-304 and 330-331 The letters "L" and "R" represent Left and Right to help fans know which side of the stadium their seat is located when looking at the field. Fans in these seats should pay attention to this since one side is not as easily accessible to the other. Fans enter the sections from the back and walk down to their seats. The steps can be steep for some. Upper Box Concert Seating  When attending a concert at Wrigley Field, Upper Box seating is not a bad option. To start, every seat will have a clear view to the stage. Since the seats are elevated there is no distractions from netting, poles or other equipment on the ground. Similar to a Cubs game, the Infield seats will have the most desirable centered views to the stage. As you move toward the Midfield and especially the Outfield sections the angle to the stage starts to make an impact. 

  • For Baseball - Recommended For Great Views of the Field


    Good head on views of the pitchers mound and the middle of the infield. Closer to the visiting team dugout on the upper deck. Entry tunnels are no more than 5 rows away for quicker trips to the concourse

  • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
  • "Fantastic View!"

    (Section 322) - -

    These seats were absolutely awesome! The view is amazing for the price I paid, I could see everything without obstruction. This section is also near a tunnel for easy access to restrooms and concessions. The best thing about the 300 level seats is being under awning above you, even though it doesn't...

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