Wrigley Field

Section 24 at Wrigley Field


Wrigley Field Section 24 View

Section 24 Seating Notes

  • For baseball games, these seats are located behind the visitor dugout
  • For baseball games, we recommend rows 1-5 for visiting team fans
  • Related Seating: Club Boxes

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 24 are labeled 5-14
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 14

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 24 Reviews

    No obstructions here, just awesome views of the dugout!

    Jul 2015

    Baseball Review
    Section 24, Row 8, Seat 103

    For a White Sox fan visiting Wrigley for a Cubs/Sox game, there's a lot that can go wrong. Obstructed seats, too many Cubs fans, wondering if I'll get to see replays, etc., etc. But with these seats, and the way the renovations have gone, I didn't have to worry about any of that! None of these lower box seats have any obstructions - especially where I was seated. Within ten rows of the visiting team dugout almost at field level, these seats were almost too close to the field at times. Beginner fans might actually want to sit farther back so that the game happens a little more slowly. Along with ideal views of the batter/pitcher exchange, these seats look directly at the new videoboard in left field. It's crystal clear, enormous and I'm a little sad actually that it detracts so much from the iconic scoreboard in center field. Never-the-less, these seats are awesome. They had a face value of $185, which is totally worth it since the Sox won, but it is a bit to pay for hard seats that don't come with any amenities. A couple random things: legroom here was awesome. My entire mountain of peanut shells fit nicely in front of my feet before I swept them under the chair in front of me. Also, these seats aren't covered and it did rain steadily (but without a rain delay) for the first six innings. I got quite wet, but the usher was going around wiping seats dry for fans who went up for concessions, etc. The ushers here really own their sections/aisles and that was a nice touch. But if you're looking for covered seats, there are plenty of other options at Wrigley.

    Row 1 is the first row behind the visitor dugout in section 24

    Baseball Review
    Section 24, Row C

    These seats will be located behind protective netting.

    Front of sections 9-33 are behind the netting

    Baseball Review

    There is some amount of netting or screening in front of sections 9-27. The height and coverage of netting or screening will vary by section.

    • Club Boxes


      Club Box seats at Wrigley Field are the closest seats to the field and run from sections 3 through 32.  All club box seats are within 15 rows of the field and offer great views to the game. Tickets in these seats can offer memorable experiences like being close to the game and players while sitting behind home plate or the dugout. Sitting here is perfect for fans looking for some of the best seats for a Cubs game or the occasional concert at Wrigley. Breakdown of Club Box Seats  Club Box Home Plate: Sections 13-22Located behind 1914 Club Between the dugouts near on-deck circles  Club Box Infield: Sections 8-12 and 23-27Located behind dugouts  Club Box Outfield: Sections 3-7 and 28-32Seated behind W Club and Maker's Mark Barrel Room  Bullpen Box: Front rows of Sections 6-7 and 30-31 New seats added where the bullpens used to be before being moved under the bleachers Things to Consider The Cubs dugout is located on the third base side. Those looking to be close to the Cubs players can be near the on-deck circle in Home Plate sections 13-15 or behind the dugout in Infield sections 9-12. Visiting fans can look at sections 20-22 for the on-deck circle and 23-26 for the dugout. Tickets will become more affordable as you move down the lines toward sections 3 and 32. One of the biggest trade-offs in being so close to the field is that you will rarely see shade during sunny day games. Seats on the third base side will get the sun at their back sooner than those on the first base side, but it is best to be prepared for a good amount of sun when sitting in any of the Club Boxes locations for a day game. Concert Ticket Considerations  For a concert, the Club Box seats do not offer as much elevation as other areas of the ballpark. This doesn't make them bad seats, but it is important to be strategic. Often time speakers and equipment are set up on the back of the floor creating slight obstructions in these seats. Seats in sections 6-8 and 27-29 are not only closer to the stage, but typically clear of these. If you find yourself in a seat that is obstructed, kindly inform an usher. Because the setup location of equipment is not percisely known when tickets are sold, they set aside tickets for these situations and you will likely be re-seated. 

    • For Baseball - Recommended For Visiting Team Fans


      No more than 5 rows behind the visitors dugout!. Close up views of the visiting team as they enter and exit the dugout between innings

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Close enough to the plate to hear the catch of the pitch!"

      (Section 15) - -

      One of the best seats in the field if your into the game. I don't know if this aisle had to do anything about it but I was randomly selected to be on camera during a reviewed play. Game was broadcasted on espn so that just adds to the experience of this section. Most fun I had in a while!

    Cubs Ticket Information

    The 2025 Chicago Cubs ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

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