Tropicana Field

Section 110 at Tropicana Field


Tropicana Field Section 110 View

Section 110 Seating Notes

  • For baseball games, we recommend rows FF-JJ for outstanding convenience

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 110 are labeled B-Z, AA-JJ
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row JJ
  • When looking towards the field/field, lower number seats are on the left

Ticket Deals for Section 110

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Section 110 Reviews

Way too expensive but good viewing

Aug 2013

Baseball Review
Section 110, Row CC, Seats 4-7

The cartel controlling single game ticket resales should be run up on anti-trust violations. Not only that, their fees, premiums and charges equivalent to buying a fifth ticket. This is last time I will get ripped off by a team that is 2nd to last in attendance and plays in a dome without a roof. The noise level at Tropicana is unbearable!!!! Prices in Rays team store are ridiculous - my grandson was smart enough to decline buying anything.

Very Good Seats

Jul 2013

Baseball Review
Section 110, Row DD, Seats 3-8

  • Lower Level Infield (Baseball)


    Lower Level Infield seating at Tropicana Field includes sections 101-126. Odd number sections are on the third base side, while even sections are on the first base side. The Rays dugout is in front of even sections 112-118, while the visitor's dugout is in front of odd sections 111-117. Avoid Rows WW and XX on the Lower Level because of the obstructed view created by the 200 level overhang. While sections 101-106 will give you the best home plate view, most concessions and restrooms are on each baseline rather than behind home plate. 

  • Lower Level Sideline (Football)


    Lower Level Sideline seating is located on the 100 level, running from endzone to endzone on the 1st base side. These seats are the only traditional stadium style seats along the sidelines, as the Party Deck is the only sideline option on the opposite side of the field. Sections 120-124 are some of the best options for football tickets with a great placement near the 50 yard line. Sections in this location will have as many as 30 lettered rows of seats, starting with single lettered rows at the front and double lettered rows in the back. With the entry tunnels located at the top of the sections and better elevated views available as well, we recommend sitting in the double lettered rows for the best experience in this seating area. 

  • For Baseball - Recommended For Outstanding Convenience


    These seats were hand-selected for being close to a wide-range of amenities. They are within five rows of the concourse (fewer stairs) and there is a men’s restroom, women’s restroom and concessions near this section.

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