Soldier Field

Section 239 at Soldier Field


Soldier Field Section 239 View

Section 239 Seating Notes

  • For football games, we recommend these seats for kids and family
  • For football games, we recommend these seats for impressing a guest
  • For football games, we recommend these seats for great views of the field
  • For football games, desirable view from near midfield
  • Views from near midfield for soccer matchs
  • Related Seating: Media Deck
  • Rows 1 and above are under cover
  • See all shaded and covered seating

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 239 are labeled 1-9
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 9
  • When looking towards the field/stage/field, lower number seats are on the left

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 239 Reviews

    Must Be The Perfect View ! AWESOME sitting with the Bears Coaches - Players WIVES AND GIRLFRIENDS.

    Dec 2012

    Football Review
    Section 239, Row 8

    See the players & coaches Wives & Girlfriends . For a Big Sports fan a lifetime experience in these specific seats, Bears Sideline around the 45 - The Bears Coaches & Coordinators are seated directly behind you calling out plays & adjustments from their booth .. National TV announcers to your right at the 50 calling the Game. Makes sense the seats are located the 1st Row with roof top cover so enjoy the game in the sun and if rain you will be lovin it in comfort like your living room. Dont be cold Heat area.

    Good seats

    Nov 2013

    Football Review
    Section 239, Row 4, Seats 6-7

    Under the over hang. Not exposed to the sun or rain.

    • Media Deck


      Media Deck sections at Soldier Field are located on the second level of the stadium in sections 228-246. Each section has 6 to 12 rows of seating in each with the smaller sections closest to midfield. These seats are well known for being the best shaded seats at Solider Field. Sections closest to midfield have excellent overhead coverage. On a hot day sections 232-242 are ideal for beating the heat. And when the threat of rain or snow is present, these seats will keep you dry.  For Bears games, this is the home side of the field and seats in this location have a great view of the whole field from an ideal seating height for seeing over the players on the sideline. The same is true for Chicago Fire matches where the elevation makes it easy to see from end-to-end. For most concerts the Soldier Field Seating Chart has the stage set up on the North end of the field. When this is the case, you'll want to skip Media Deck sections 241-246 due to their poor angle to the stage. 

    • Media Deck (Concert)


      The media deck is the place to be if you are looking for decent views and good protection from the weather during a concert at Soldier Field. Located on the second tier of seating along the west sideline, sections here are also very small (no more than 12 rows in each) for easy access to and from the concourse. For the best protection from the elements, go with seats in Sections 232-242 where just about every row of seating is covered by the 300 level seats above. The coverage begins to get less extensive near the edges of the media deck, but if you stick to the upper rows you will have the best chance at being covered overhead. You can find some good views here, and most particularly in sections 240-241 which keep you close to a traditional end stage setup. However one word of caution is that some fans might comment that the views resemble tunnel vision due to the excellent coverage from the overhanging seating deck above. Luckily most performances don't feature extensive aerial pageantry, so you don't have to worry about missing much at all. 

    • Media Deck (Soccer)


      Fans looking for covered seating for a Chicago Fire game should look at tickets in the Media Deck. These cover section 228-246 and have great coverage from the 300 levels up above. The views to the game will be great as well. While not as close as 100 level sections, the Media Deck seats offer ideal raised views to the pitch. For the smallest sections look at sections 234-240 which are located at midfield and in front of the press box. 

    • For Football - Recommended For Kids and Family


      Smaller sections for easier access to and from the seats. Excellent overhead coverage for protection from the weather

    • For Football - Recommended For Impressing a Guest


      Great views near the 50 yard line!. A more private feeling on the smaller Media Deck. Excellent overhead coverage

    • For Football - Recommended For Great Views of the Field


      Amazing views near the 50 yard line. Well protected by overhanging deck above. Close to the Bears sideline

    Bears Ticket Information

    The 2025 Chicago Bears ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

    • Bears
    • Fire
    • Concert
    • Other