North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre (Chula Vista)

Section 202 at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre


North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre Section 202 View

Section 202 Seating Notes

Row Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 202 are labeled 1W, A-P
  • There is wheelchair seating betweeen Rows 1W and A

Ticket Deals for Section 202

Event/Date Section 202Section 101Section 201Section 302All Sections

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Section 202 Reviews

  • Reserved Seating


    For most shows the Pit and Lawn sections at North Island Amp are general admission. This leaves the rest of the venue as your best bet if you want to secure a reserved seat. 100 Level  Sections 101-103 make up the 100 Level. This area may also be referred to as the Lower Pavilion. This area is an excellent alternative to the Pit because its seats are slightly more elevated. This makes it easier to see the stage. 200 and 300 Levels  When looking for tickets in a higher reserved section (200s or 300s), keep an eye out for the best deal. There isn't a significant difference between these areas as they both offer quality elevated views. For our money, we'd choose a seat near the center where you get a head-on view - even if it means choosing a higher row. Additional Notes  Seats are not covered by a roof Most sections have 15-20 rows with Row A or 1 at the front Accessible seating is found in rows labeled with a 1  Most sections will require at least a few stairs to access 

  • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
  • "Awesome "

    (Section 203) -
  • "Parking Nightmare"

    (Section 204) - -

    Could be a great venue, but it's an insanely poor parking experience. Took us TWO HOURS to exit. I don't want to see anyone badly enough to warrant coming back. Never again... :(

Event Schedule
