Madison Square Garden

Section 204 at Madison Square Garden


Madison Square Garden Section 204 View

Section 204 Seating Notes

  • For basketball games, we recommend these seats for kids and family
  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts
  • Related Seating: 200 Level

Row & Seat Numbers

  • Rows in Section 204 are labeled 1, BS3
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row BS3
  • has 24 seats labeled 1-24
  • When looking towards the court/ice/stage, lower number seats are on the left

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 204 Reviews

    Great Bar Rail Seats for a Show!

    Jun 2016

    Concert Review
    Section 204, Row BS

    While far from the performance on the opposite end of the arena and on the 200 level, I have to admit that these seats were really quite excellent. You get a straight away view of the performance with good acoustics, and your bar stool seats comes with a personal ledge right in front where you can rest your beer and cellphone. The seats are also super close to a bunch of concession stands nearby, and you're literally just a step or two from the concourse making restroom trips a breeze!

    Barstool with a bar right behind!

    Jun 2016

    Concert Review
    Section 204, Row BS

    These might be the best barstool seats at MSG. The bar at the garden is directly behind. So you literally turn around and grab a drink. Seats look right at the stage. There are obviously much closer seats, but not many have a personal ledge and bar right behind.

    • 200 Level


      The 200 Level seats at Madison Square Garden offer a variety of different experiences and price points. The upper rows in these sections are some of the cheapest tickets for Knicks and Rangers games, while lower rows along the side might have the best views at MSG. 200 Level Side Sections Sections along the side have up to 25 rows of seats with row 1 located at the front. The entrance tunnel is located at row 7, and we recommend sitting in the first six rows for the best views and most convenient access. The front rows in side sections have phenomenal club-like views for basketball and hockey games. For end-stage concerts, sections 212 and 223 are closest to the stage. A television monitor is setup near the ground at the front of each section. Guests in row 1 will be able to keep an eye on replays and stats. Meanwhile, the last row in many sections is labeled BS25 and includes barstool seats. 200 Level End Sections  Sections on the end of the 200 Level are much smaller than those along the side. Sections include just 3-6 rows of seats. Fans will find better views on the sideline, but the intimacy of these sections guarantees easy access to-and-from the seats. For many, this convenience is preferred over a sideline view (especially in a higher row). Rows labeled BS are at the back of most sections; these are bar-stool seats A television monitor is located at the front of each section  Sections 201-207 have a head-on view for end-stage concerts The Rangers shoot twice towards sections 215-220 

    • For Basketball - Recommended For Kids and Family


      More affordable tickets on the upper level of the stadium. Near a merchandise store, a place to buy all sorts of Knicks gear. Small sections that allow for easy access to the concourse and the nearby concessions

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Most legroom at Madison Square Garden!"

      (Section 206) - -

      This is the last row in the section. The balcony hangs over, but it's not in the way at all, even if you have to stand. This seat and the one next to it don't have any seats in front of them. Pretty awesome!

    Event Schedule

    • Knicks
    • Other Basketball
    • Rangers
    • Concert
    • Other