Little Caesars Arena

Section 103 at Little Caesars Arena


Little Caesars Arena Section 103 View

Row Numbers

  • For most events, rows in Section 103 are labeled 1-26
  • For concerts, row 13 is usually the first row
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 26
  • When looking towards the ice/court/stage, lower number seats are on the right

For Concerts, Section 103 May Have a Limited View

103 is behind the stage or to the side of the stage for most concerts. This may restrict or limit your view of the performance.

For more information about the stage setup for your show, find your event.

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 103 Reviews

    • 100 Level Behind the Net (Hockey)


      Sitting behind the nets on the lower tier of Little Caesars Arena will offer a similar viewing experience from both the north and south ends, with good viewing angles for watching the cross ice movements throughout the game. However fans will want to choose which end of the arena to sit at based on which team they are pulling for. South end sections (115-116) are nearest to the net where the Wings shoot twice, while the north end sections (102-103) are where the visitors will shoot twice. Sections here have 26 numbered rows of seating in each with entry tunnels near the top of the sections. One unsung benefit to sitting behind the net is that you get a comfortable straight away line of sight which requires almost no head turning to follow the action on the ice. 

    • 100 Level End (Basketball)


      If you're looking for the most affordable lower level tickets for a basketball game at Little Caesars Arena, chances are you might be searching in the end sections behind the baskets. Prices are often more reasonable here, however fans should be aware of the challenges that come with sitting behind one of the nets. Seating begins with lettered rows A-K closest to the floor, which are setup on risers that extend the permanent seating sections. These riser seats will have you closer to the action on the floor, but it is important to note that there will also be less elevation between seating rows, creating a larger chance that a taller fan just in front will impact your view.  For better height over the seating rows in front, search for tickets in rows 13 and higher as these will offer a less shallow incline compared to the rows closer to the floor. Sitting higher in the section also allows for easier trips to and from the concourse, which can be accessed at the top of these 26 row sections. Whenever possible, we advise fans to avoid the higher numbered seats in sections 102 and 115, as well as the lower numbered seats in sections 103 and 116. These seats would put you closest to the aisle directly behind the baskets, where the views are the most frustrating.  

    Event Schedule

    • Red Wings
    • Pistons
    • Concert