Camping World Stadium

Section 139 at Camping World Stadium


Camping World Stadium Section 139 View

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 139 are labeled WCC, D-Z, AA-EE
  • There is open space betweeen Rows WCC and D
  • Entrances to this section are located at Rows J and EE
  • When looking towards the field/field/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Ticket Deals for Section 139

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Section 139 Reviews

  • Lower Level Sideline


    First tier seating, and close proximity to 50 yard line as well as team benches make the Lower Level Sideline a desired location. These sections provide the lowest and closest line of sight to all the exciting action collegiate football has to offer. Sections in this location contain up to 32 rows of seating running alphabetically from Row A (closest) to Row EE. Some tickets in the upper rows of sideline sections will have Plaza Lounge access. Not only will fans with these tickets get the wider, more comfortable seats, but they can access an all-inclusive club space (for select events). 

  • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
  • "Felt like we were playing the game"

    (Section 133) - -

    Seats were perfect. Great game, great weather, good food fun fans. Can't wait to go again.

  • "Hands down the best seats I've ever had at a soccer match!"

    (Section 106) - -

    We could see everything from our seats. My little girl did not even have a problem with seeing the field and the players up close. Good place to take pics too.

Event Schedule

  • Concert
  • Other Soccer