Allstate Arena

Section 204 at Allstate Arena


Allstate Arena Section 204 View

Row Numbers

  • For most events, rows in Section 204 are labeled A-P
  • When looking towards the court/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 204 Reviews

    Avoid the left half of the section

    Nov 2013

    Concert Review
    Section 204, Row P, Seat 21

    From section 204 seat 21 I was basically behind the stage on the upper level of seating at the arena. It felt very close (especially to the end stage), but it was an awkward viewing angle watching mostly the backs and sides of the performers. The Backstreet Boys had large screens set up on either side of the end stage which blocked some of the view and made it feel like I was in the cheap seats. Had I been in the first 15 seats on the right side of the row (seats 1-15), the view would have been much better as they are closer to the center of the floor, and I wouldn't have felt like as much of an outcast.

    • Upper Level Side (Concert)


      If you have a tighter budget, but want to stay close to the performance for a traditional end stage show, sections 203 and 210 are excellent options to consider.  In section 203, the higher numbered seats put you closer to the stage, while the lower numbered seats are a bit further but providing a better line of sight to the center of the action. Conversely, the lower numbered seats of section 210 are closer to the stage, while the higher numbered seats have the better viewing angles.  We recommend being cautious when considering section 204 and 209 for a performance featuring a traditional end stage configuration, as you mostly find side angle views. However if you can find seats 1-2 in section 204 or seats 32-33 in section 209, you will be on the aisle closer to the front of the stage (rather than closer to the back of the stage) with the best potential views from these sections. Most seating rows on the upper level side sections are fairly large, featuring between 32 to 33 seats in each. Therefore, if you prefer an easier more convenient route to and from the seats, we recommend sticking to the seat numbers closest to the aisles. 

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    Event Schedule

    • Concert
    • Other