Rogers Centre

Section 524B at Rogers Centre


Rogers Centre Section 524B View

Section 524B Seating Notes

  • For baseball games, desirable view from behind home plate
  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts
  • Related Seating: 500 Level

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 524B are labeled 1-23
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 5

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 524B Reviews

    • 500 Level


      There are three distinct seating options on the 500 Level at Rogers Centre. Each of these options offer a different experience. Infield  Infield seats in the 500 level are a great way to get a good view without breaking the bank. Sections 522-526 are behind home plate and have an incredible view of the center field scoreboard. Unfortunately, the shape of the upper bowl has some sections much farther away from the field than they should be. For instance, you can save money by buying seats farther down the line instead of being in 518 or 530. Down the Line  When you're purchasing tickets in a section farther away from home plate - whether for a baseball game or concert - aim for the lowest row you can afford. Views are much better and you won't have to walk as many stairs. With the roof open, seats down the first base line are susceptible to the sun, while seats on the third base side will be covered. Outfield  Well covered even when the roof is open, 500-level outfield seats are almost always available at bargain prices for Jays games. Their sheer distance from home plate and height above the field makes them undesirable for most fans who wish to watch the game. Seats in left field have the best cover, though they've been known to feel indoorsy - even with the roof open. Social Opportunites  After recent renovations, there are two social opportunities on this level. Rooftop Patio (right field): A social lounge in right field featuring a rooftop patio and upscale bar and food options Park Social (left field): Inspired by a neighborhood park, this area has games and fun outdoor social seating  

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Tampa Bay Rays at Toronto Blue Jays - Jul 25, 2024"

      (Section 526) -
    • "Great seats, a little high, but you get an outstanding view of every thing with nothing blocking your way."

      (Section 526) - -

      Lots of good food options, a bit high up , but an outstanding view of everything and a very enjoyable place to sit as if you are row 1-4 you could catch a foul ball.

    Blue Jays Ticket Information

    The 2025 Toronto Blue Jays ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

    • Blue Jays
    • Other Baseball
    • Concert