RingCentral Coliseum

Field Boxes at RingCentral Coliseum

Field Boxes Seat Views

Features & Amenities

Field Boxes can be found down the first and third baselines at RingCentral Coliseum. These seats give fans a chance to enjoy the game from field level - similar to how the players see the game from the dugout. With the venue's plentiful foul ground, these seats are some of the closest seats at RingCentral Coliseum.

When you arrive at your seats, you'll be offered complimentary food at different intervals. You'll also receive multiple drink tickets and be treated to in-seat beverage service. Far less expensive than the Diamond Level, these seats offer a great way to enjoy a premium outing at an A's game.

The Field Boxes are placed right next to the dugouts, giving great access to the players as they head on and off the field. A's fans should look at the Third Base Field Box which is closest to the home dugout. Likewise, visiting fans should look to the First Base Field Box to be near the visiting team.

Amenities available for Athletics home games. For other events, some amenities may not be available or offered.

Please note: Due to health and safety protocols in 2025, food availability, club access, wait service and other amenities are subject to change without notice.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Field Boxes Photos

    Field Boxes Seating Chart

    Athletics Field Boxes Seating Chart at RingCentral Coliseum

    Field Boxes Reviews

    Worth the money

    Jun 2022

    1B Field Box, Row 3 , Seats 17,18

    Each seat gets a 3 drink alcohol voucher. Free soft drinks. 2nd inning free hotdog , 5 inning free personal pizza, 7th inning free candy, 8th inning cookies

      Athletics Ticket Information

      The 2025 Oakland Athletics ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

      Event Schedule
