Red Hat Amphitheater

Section 2 at Red Hat Amphitheater


Section 2 Seating Notes

  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts
  • Related Seating: Reserved Seats

Row Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 2 are labeled J-Z, AA-KK

Ticket Deals for Section 2

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Section 2 Reviews

  • Reserved Seats


    Reserved seats at Red Hat Amphitheater are numbered 1-7. Seats are divided by the box seats in the center creating a front and back area. There is no cover here - all seats are exposed to weather elements. Front Reserved 1-3  Sections numbered 1-3 are closest to the stage. Unlike the rear seats behind them, seats in these sections are not permanent. Instead, fans sit in folding lawn chairs. With the seats not bolted into the ground, this area is able to take on different setups including a general admission pit or a full GA Floor for some shows. Rear Reserved 4-7 Seats in at the back of the venue in sections 4-7 are permanent. Fans sit in stadium-style seats with a small armrest.  Views are at the same height as the front sections. Those on the shorter side should try to find seats in rows toward the front of the section. Sections 4 and 7 are located on the end and are nearest the restrooms and concessions. 

Event Schedule
