Prudential Center

Section 14 at Prudential Center


Prudential Center Section 14 View

Section 14 Seating Notes

  • For hockey games, we recommend rows GL1 for impressing a guest
  • Rows GL1 are part of the Glass Seats for Devils games
  • Related Seating: Table Seats (for Devils games) (Rows T)

Row Numbers

  • For most events, rows in Section 14 are labeled A-J, 1-24
  • There is open space before Row 1
  • For hockey games, row GL1 is usually the first row
  • Row 13 is usually the first row for concerts
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row T
  • When looking towards the ice/court/stage, lower number seats are on the right

For Concerts, Section 14 May Have a Limited View

14 is behind the stage or to the side of the stage for most concerts. This may restrict or limit your view of the performance.

For more information about the stage setup for your show, find your event.

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 14 Reviews

    • Glass Seats


      The most desirable tickets a Devils game are Glass Seats in the front row of the lower level. These seats are just a few inches from the ice and are "once-in-a-lifetime" tickets for most fans. All Glass Seats tickets are labeled with Row GL1. Ticketholders will have access to an all-inclusive club space on the stadium's lower level. These areas have been renovated and are primarily accessed by Glass Seat and Club Seat patrons. 

    • Lower Level Behind the Net (Hockey)


      Sitting behind the net on the lower level lets you see the game through the eyes of a goalie. Fans will be the first to know when a puck reaches the back of the net, making it an exciting place to be for the die hard hockey fan. Sections 2 and 3 are located behind the net where the Devils shoot twice, making them the better option for the home team crowd. Row GL1 is located in the first row up from the ice and comes with all-inclusive club amenities, including a pre-game meal and lounge access. If you're not right up against the glass in row, choose a row higher than 20 to be safely above the glass and for quick access to restrooms and concessions. 

    • Table Seats


      Select sections at the Prudential Center feature table seating behind the last row. Tables include four chairs set up at a bar-top with a television monitor. Rows for table seating are prefixed with the letter "T" (e.g.: T1, T2, etc.). Most Tables are on the West end of the arena. For most concerts this is behind the stage and these tickets aren't sold. For Devils games, this is the direction the visiting team shoots twice.  

    • For Hockey - Recommended For Impressing a Guest


      Seating right up against the glass!. All-inclusive gourmet buffet included with ticket. Access to the newly-renovated club lounges

    Devils Ticket Information

    The 2025 New Jersey Devils ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

    • Devils
    • Other Hockey
    • Concert
    • Other Basketball
    • Other