Mullett Arena

Section 117 at Mullett Arena


Mullett Arena Section 117 View

Section 117 Seating Notes

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 117 are labeled A-P, SRO
  • There is standing room only space behind Row P

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 117 Reviews

    • Standing Room Only


      As the smallest arena in the NHL, seating capacity is limited at Mullett Arena. In turn, the Coyotes often release a number of standing room only tickets. These SRO tickets allow fans access to the arena without being confined to a specific seat. Ticketholders stand on the concourse behind the last row of 100-level sections. While standing tickets at most arenas have a far away view, the SRO spaces at Mullett Arena are within 20 rows of the ice. This results in very good views and one of the most affordable ways to attend a game. Some SRO tickets have an assigned section, while others are general standing room only. 

    • The Den


      The cheapest tickets for an Arizona Coyotes game at Mullett Arena will be found in sections 114-117. These sections are known as The Den and fans should expect the following: Bench seating (no stadium chairbacks) Assigned seating (no dividers) for Coyotes games Views from behind the goalie The visiting team attacks twice in this direction These are a good option for fans who don't like fitting in a regular stadium seat. Ticketholders will still enjoy a very good view from within 20 rows of the ice. 

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Not a bad seat in the house"

      (Section 108) - -

      Great view, you feel really close to the action. Only downside is that when there’s action in the student section area on the side where the penalty boxes are, you can’t see squat because of the glass and have to rely on the video boards.

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