Lower.com Field

Ledge at Lower.com Field


Ledge Seating Notes

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Ledge Reviews

    • NetJets Landing


      Seats in NetsJets Landing are a perfect combination of view at comfort at Lower.com Field. These seats are not low to the field like some of the other clubs. Instead, it is a nicely elevated premium area that overlooks the entire pitch. Sitting in Comfort  The Ledge is made up of 18 smaller sections. Each section has two rows of four seats giving plenty of space to everyone in the section. Seats are extra padded and 24" wide with a table integrated to put food and drink. Among other amenities, ticket holders can access the premium suite-level club and in-seat wait service to order food and beverage.  Tickets in these sections are the perfect option for those looking to comfortably enjoy a soccer match without the bells and whistles of Lower.com Field's all-inclusive clubs.  

    Crew Ticket Information

    The 2025 Columbus Crew ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

    • Crew
    • Other Soccer