When looking towards the court, lower number seats are on the right
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Section 320 Reviews
Poor lighting, but family friendly on the 300 level
Nov 2013
Section 320, Row K, Seat 5
Walking to the section from the concourse I quickly noticed the concession stand and sweet shop located just by the entry tunnel, in addition to a mens and womens restroom, so I knew these were going to be good seats for grabbing food and quick trips to the restroom. I arrived at seat 5 (two off the aisle) in Row K (second to last row) and saw that I was amidst a number of families at the Kohl Center to take in a Thursday night game. It was a a good crowd to be with as it wasn't overly loud or obnoxious, and I was able to sit back and enjoy the game without having to worry about fans standing to watch the game in front of me.
It was an ok view from up near the back of the top seating tier, but it was difficult to see the near sideline over the people that were sitting in front of me. I was almost completely blocked from viewing the Wisconsin team bench, but could see the visiting team bench fairly easily. Oddly though, for a section that seemed to be geared towards families the overhead lighting was incredibly poor, making it very dark sitting in these seats.
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(Section 322) - ★★★ -
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