Kia Forum

Section 227 at Kia Forum


Kia Forum Section 227 View

Section 227 Seating Notes

Row & Seat Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 227 are labeled 1-28
  • has 10 seats labeled 1-10
  • have 13 seats labeled 1-13
  • have 14 seats labeled 1-14
  • All Seat Numbers
  • When looking towards the stage, lower number seats are on the left

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 227 Reviews

    Great seats.

    Nov 2022

    Section 227, Row 1, Seat 5

    If you can manage to get the first row it’s AMAZING. You get the perfect view of the big screen and, honestly, it’s not extremely far from the stage. Personally, I would not consider them nosebleeds. I'm very happy with these seats and had the best night of my life at HSLOT!!

    • Upper Bowl


      Despite recent renovations, Kia Forum shows its age a bit when looking at seating in the upper level. Unlike modern arenas that usually feature three levels of seating, the two-level Forum instead has somewhat under-sized lower-level sections and oversized sections in the 200 level. Because there is no seating between the 100 and 200 levels, the front rows (think 1-8) of these sections offer phenomenal elevation for any event, including a concert. Although you're pushed back from the stage thanks to the round nature of the venue, the front rows of the 200 are at an ideal height for a comfortable viewing experience. If your budget has you looking at the upper rows (20 and above) of these side sections, we recommend skipping them and instead buying a corner or end seat in a lower row. The steepness of the upper level means that there is a big difference between the lower and upper rows. Not to mention that you may have to walk as many as 30 rows of stairs to reach the top seats in the 200 level. For most concerts we've found that you can get a ticket in the first 10 rows of corner sections for about the same price as a row 25 ticket in one of these side sections. The corner seat would be our choice out of the two options. All side sections in the upper level have up to 16 seats per row with seat 1 on your left when looking down towards the floor.  

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
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      Zoom pictures. Would recommend taking theater glasses or binoculars for closer viewing. Pretty good overall.

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