KFC Yum! Center

Section 108 at KFC Yum! Center


KFC Yum! Center Section 108 View

Row Numbers

  • For most events, rows in Section 108 are labeled C-Z, AA-EE
  • Entrances to this section are located at Rows J and EE
  • When looking towards the court/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 108 Reviews

    Poor vision lines, horrible sound

    Jul 2013

    Concert Review
    Section 108, Row Y, Seats 5-10

    The 2 smallish "jumbotrons" on either side of stage-- one side blocked by speakers, our side blocked by people-- bad angle. The stage was too far away to watch, and our seats weren't that far away! The angles of seats pointed the patrons screaming their unending, ear piercing "WOOO WOOO"--straight into my ears--But the worst was the echo/reverb of drums out of sync with music which was at times almost maddening. The eagles sound people were terrible. The venue itself was very hard to negotiate, the food crowds merged with the t-shirt sales to form a huge unmoving mass. Not impressed Yum Center. Wish we had stuck to Nashville.

    • Lower Level Corner (Basketball)


      Corner sections are a great alternative to tickets behind the basket in the lower level. While the baskets still interfere with your view, you'll have a great angle towards center court and the other end of the court. Single letter rows (like D) are always closer to the court than double-letter rows (like DD). While it may be tempting to sit in one of the lower rows, you can still find quality sitelines and easy access to the concourse from one of the higher rows. For Louisville fans, row D in sections 118 and 119 are incredibly close to the Louiville bench, giving you unrivaled views of the players and coaches. 

    • Lower Level Corner (Concert)


      Corner sections on the lower level are further from the stage than the side sections, and do not have the great head-on views found in the lower level end sections. While these sections do not benefit from straight away views or close proximity, they are typically some of the more affordable seats on the lower tier.   Lower level corner sections have as many as 30 lettered rows of seating, with the single letters located at the front and double letters at the back. 

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Great seats"

      (Section 104) -

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