Hard Rock Live Hollywood

Hard Rock Live Hollywood Orchestra

hard rock live hollywood orchestra

Features & Amenities

Orchestra seats at Hard Rock Live Hollywood are among the most desirable tickets for concerts and comedy shows. Orchestra sections are in the lower (main) seating bowl and are labeled in the 100s on the Hard Rock Live seating chart.

Upper vs. Lower Orchestra Seats

Sections 101-103 are considered the Lower Orchestra seats. Each of these sections contains roughly 20 rows of seats with row AA in the front row. When available, these are the most sought-after tickets in the venue.

Sections 113-117 are Upper Orchestra seats and have more elevation than the lower seats. This allows for more comfortable views and makes it easier to see over other guests.

Additional Orchestra Notes

  • Sections 104 and 112 are Middle Orchestra sections
  • Lower Orchestra sections are commonly replaced with a General Admission Pit area

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Orchestra Seating Chart

    Concert Orchestra Seating Chart at Hard Rock Live Hollywood

    Orchestra Reviews

      Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Freestyle Free for All - Oct 14, 2022"

      (Section 117) -
    • "Cyndi Lauper - Nov 8, 2024"

      (Section 101) - -

      The seats from the angle we were at were good, although being more forward would be better if you can get them because taller people in front of you cause a view issue.

    • "Great seats but your view will get blocked by employees "

      (Section 113) - -

      The seat is great, not too close not too far, but you are seated in front of couches that have waiter service. Besides this, the other employees (not wait staff) who stand around also constantly walk back and forth right in front of this row. If I could go back in time I would have just booked on th...

    Orchestra Sections

    Event Schedule

    • Concert
    • Other