Best Seats for the Houston Rodeo
If the rodeo is more appealing to you than the concert, then this article is for you. In such a massive stadium, the views for the rodeo portion of the Houston Rodeo and Livestock show can vary greatly. With so much going on around within and without the stadium at the Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show it is easy to get distracted.

Basic Rodeo Ticket Information
To start, the rodeo start times are different depending on if it is a weekday or weekend. On a weekday, the rodeo will begin at 5:45PM and on weekends 3:45. Doors to NRG Stadium will open 45 minutes before the scheduled start time. Tickets to the rodeo are different than general admission tickets to the grounds or tickets for carnival rides and games area. To see the rodeo, your tickets must have specific seats within NRG Stadium. You can compare prices for the different events by looking at our NRG Stadium Concert Seating Chart.
Rodeo Events
Tie-Down Roping - Timed
Riders and their horse work together to run down a runaway calf. The calf is given a head start before it triggers the riders release. In this event you'll see riders swinging a rope over their head before flinging it at the calf. Once around the rope is around the calf's neck, the rider must tie three legs together.
Bareback Riding - Rough Stock
Riders hang on to a bucking horse for eight seconds. The rider must keep one hand on the rigging attached to the horse and another in the air.

Team Roping - Timed
This is the only team event of the rodeo. One rider must catch his rope around the steer's saddle horn before the other can catch the legs.
Saddle Bronc Riding - Rough Stock
Riders must keeps their feet in stirrups with one arm in the air and the other holding a thickly-braided reign. This is one of the most classic rodeo events and can be traced to the Old West.
Steer Wrestling - Timed
This event requires some of the most athleticism and typically leads to some of the loudest crowd cheers. A steer is let loose and runs forward. After a certain distance the riders catch up on their horse before dismounting and wrestling the steer to the ground. The clock stops when the steer is completely on the ground with all four legs pointing in the same direction.
Barrel Racing - Timed
Riders quickly weave between barrels without knocking them over. The barrels are in a triangle formation and the riders must make a cloverleaf pattern.
Bull Riding - Rough Stock
Like other rough stock events the Bull Rider must hold on with one hand while keeping the other in the air. With bulls being among some of the largest and most dangerous animals at the rodeo this event is always thrilling.
Chuck Wagon Races
The Chuck Wagon Races is one of the only events that use the entire rodeo floor. Wagons are pulled by six horses in a circle in a figure 8 patten. Traveling at high speeds and sharp turns its a exciting race to the finish line.
Calf Scramble
The kids will get a shot at some rodeo style as 30 kids attempt to catch 15 calfs.
Mutton Bustin'
The last event of the night is sure to bring a smile to everyone's faces when 5 and 6 year-olds hop on the back of a mutton. The goal? Hold on as long as you can!
Picking Seats by Event
The events for the rodeo typically fall in two categories: Rough Stock Events and Timed Events. Depending on the category of the event will determine which side of the stadium the event will be held. Historically, the North end of the stadium will host the rough stock events (near sections 115-118) and the South end will have the timed events (near sections 133-140).

Of course seats centered in the stadium will have equal views of all events. Also all seats within the stadium will have clear views of the events and the action will also be shown live on the video board hanging directly over the middle of the floor.
Action Seats

The action seats for the Houston Rodeo are an extension of the 100 level and bring rodeo fans a little closer to the thrilling excitement of the events (and closer to the act on stage for the concert as well). These seats are as close to dirt level as it gets and are more comfortable than most seats in NRG Stadium.
Club Level
The club level for the Houston Rodeo is at an ideal height for comfortable watching. While the club level concourse is not exclusive to club ticket holders it does provide more convenient access to upscale food and drink. If you want to take a break and socialize there is plenty of seating within the concourse to hang around in. Many fans waiting for the concert will do this during some of the events.