Ferrell Center

Ferrell Center Lower Premium

Features & Amenities

On the Baylor men's basketball seating chart, seats in the lower level are commonly referred to as Premium seats. Although these seats don't have any special amenities, they do have some of the best views in the stadium.

Sections at the Ferrell Center are organized into Courtside rows, Premium rows and Upper rows. Premium seats start about 10 rows from the court and are located directly below the sectional entrance.

Our favorite seats in these sections are rows 10-15. These seats have perfect elevation and are conveniently located near restrooms and concessions.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

    Map Highlighting
  •  Select rows in section are part of this seating zone

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Lower Premium Seating Chart

    Basketball Lower Premium Seating Chart at Ferrell Center

    Lower Premium Reviews

      Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Texas Longhorns at Baylor Bears Womens Basketball - Jan 22, 2023"

      (Section 115) -
    • "Oklahoma Sooners at Baylor Bears Womens Basketball - Feb 7, 2023"

      (Section 113) - -

      They were on the 6th row almost center court. They were great seats.

    • "Seats Behind Visitors Bench "

      (Section 115) - -

      Great Aisle seats 3 rows off the floor right behind the visitors bench.

    Lower Premium Sections
