Empower Field (at Mile High)

Section 112 at Empower Field


Empower Field Section 112 View

Section 112 Seating Notes

Row & Seat Numbers

  • Rows in Section 112 are labeled 1-20, W21-A21, 25-41
  • There is wheelchair seating betweeen Rows A21 and 25
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row A21
  • have 14 seats labeled 1-14
  • have 15 seats labeled 1-15
  • have 16 seats labeled 1-16
  • All Seat Numbers
  • When looking towards the field/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Ticket Deals for Section 112

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Section 112 Reviews

  • 100 Level


    The 100 Level sections at Empower Field are the seats closest to the field. On the Broncos seating chart, these sections may also be known as Field Level or Lower Level seats. Row and Seat Numbers  Most lower level sections have 40 rows of seats with row 1 closest to the field. Accessible seating is typically found near row 21 where the section tunnels are located. As you look towards the field from these sections, seat 1 is on the right aisle. Best Lower Level Seats Our favorite seats in the 100 level are near row 30. These are conveniently located near the entrance tunnel, and their elevation offers great sightlines. Of course, many fans will also argue that being closer to the field - especially on the sidelines and behind the endzones - is an awesome place to sit because the atmosphere is unrivaled. 

  • Field Level Endzone


    Lower endzone seats are located on either side of Empower Field, but only the closed-off north endzone (Sections 111-117) will have the luxury of being partially covered in the last few rows. Like all seating in the lower bowl, endzone sections feature more than 40 rows of seating split by wheelchair-accessible seating between rows 20 and 24. Rows 1-5 don't provide exceptional views of the whole field, but they're highly desired for being within 25 feet of the back of the endzone and having the best views of scoring plays in their respective direction. Other popular sections in the endzone include 115/116 and 134/135. The Broncos come out of the tunnel between 134 and 135, while the visiting team enters on the opposite side of the field. These sections get especially crowded before and after the game.  

  • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
  • "South Stands"

    (Section 129) - -

    View of the field was excellent and the crowd atmosphere was electric. The seats are the same as other seats in the lower level, comfortable enough. Crowd was loud and having fun, so did we. The only drawback was limited concessions, but adequate on the upper level walkway. The lower level had mor...

Broncos Ticket Information

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