Seat Ratings Mentioning Shade/Cover

"Good view of the action, WAAY up there" - ★★★
Section 112, Row 20, Seats 11-13
Wear comfortable shoes and if it's a day game, bring sun screen and/or hat because you will be in the sun the whole time. There was a nice occasional breeze and 75 degree temps, but the sun baked us all pretty thoroughly. Several folks in this section had canes, for whatever reason, and they struggled with going down the stairs. Bring cash for stadium purchases, since cards don't always work at the concession stands. And, ATT has spotty coverage - mainly because there are 90k+ fans and most have ATT, it seems. Staff is friendly and helpful - if you are kind and respectful, I would say. ...More

"Full field view, not so detailed." - ★★★★★
Section 108, Row 51, Seat 27
Seat were great for being what some would call nose bleeder seat (just a few seats down from the very top). You could still see what was going on but not in full detail. (in their defense they did provide a very large screen for us cheapo seaters)

"Great seats around the 30 yard line" - ★★★★
Section 6, Row 47, Seats 1-2
Great seats. Right in the middle in the action around the 30 yard line. Would sit again. Row was a little wider as it was next to entry....More

"Excellent view" - ★★★★★
Section 101, Row 22, Seats 28-32
These seats were marked as being good for shade