Credit One Stadium

Section 201 at Credit One Stadium


Row Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 201 are labeled A-H, ADA
  • Wheelchair seating is available behind Row H
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row ADA

Ticket Deals for Section 201

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Section 201 Reviews

  • 200 Level


    200 Level sections at Credit One Stadium are also known as the Lower Level (despite being perched above the 100 Level). Guests will enjoy a slightly-elevated view from a good vantage point. Best Seats on the 200 Level  For guests who don't like Floor Seats, sections 203 and 209 offer one of the best alternatives. These seats have a side view of the stage from just ten rows above the Floor.  For evening concerts, we recommend being on the 209/210 side. The sun sets behind these seats as opposed to being in your eyes. Other Notes  Row A is the first row in each section An entrance is located at the back row (Row J/ADA row) All seats are stadium-style chairbacks 

Event Schedule

  • Concert
  • Other