Cotton Bowl

Section 12 at Cotton Bowl


Cotton Bowl Section 12 View

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 12 are labeled 1-66
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 45
  • When looking towards the field, lower number seats are on the right

Ticket Deals for Section 12

Event/Date Section 12Section 10Section 11Section 18All Sections

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Section 12 Reviews

  • Lower Level Corner


    Corner seating in the lower level gives impressive diagonal views of the field for fans seated in rows 20 and higher. Fans seated in lower rows may have difficulty seeing across the field, though the first row in Sections 12, 18, 30 and 36 are among the closest seats to the field in any football venue. For the best experience, choose seats in Sections 18-20 or 10-12 to get a view of the scoreboard on the SE side of the stadium. Avoid seats in Sections 28-30 if you are sensitive to the sun. 

Event Schedule
