Comerica Park

Comerica Park Bleachers and RF Grandstand

Features & Amenities

Right field sections at Comerica Park are known by two names: Bleachers and Grandstand Seats. Seats in rows V and higher are traditional (hard metal) bleachers, while lower rows have a stadium chair.

Unlike the outfield seats in left-field, these sections will have the sun behind them for late afternoon and evening games.

To be near some of the stadium's finest refreshments, consider Section 104, which is in front of the Pepsi Porch, the Labatt's Blue Light Jungle -- and an ATM to pay for all of it.

Because of the height of these sections, fans will have a little trouble seeing the warning track in RF -- but the rest of the field is visible.

Note: These seats are highlighted on the map

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Bleachers and RF Grandstand Seating Chart

    Baseball Bleachers and RF Grandstand Seating Chart at Comerica Park

    Bleachers and RF Grandstand Reviews

      Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Best seat I have had!!!"

      (Section 104) - -

      Perfect spot to catch homeruns and close to the action and for an affordable price...

    • "Awesome"

      (Section 104) - -

      Great view!!! Terrific seats

    • "Great seats"

      (Section 103) -

    Bleachers and RF Grandstand Sections

    Tigers Ticket Information

    The 2025 Detroit Tigers ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

    • Tigers
    • Concert