Coastal Credit Union Music Park (at Walnut Creek)

Section 8 at Coastal Credit Union Music Park


Section 8 Seating Notes

Row Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 8 are labeled 1-3, C-Z, AA-HH
  • There is wheelchair seating betweeen Rows 3 and C

Ticket Deals for Section 8

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Section 8 Reviews

Florida Georgia Line - Jul 26, 2019

Jul 2019

Section 8, Row 1   Verified Customer

Great seats easy access to them from parking lots and no obstructive view.

  • Reserved Seats


    There are nine reserved sections at Coastal Credit Union Music Park. The sections are separated into an upper and lower portion by the box seats in the middle.  Sections 1-3  Those who are looking for tickets closest to the stage should search for tickets in sections 1-3. The stage here is very wide which allows for all seats to have great views to the stage. Located in front of these seats is a pit section. For shows where fans are likely to stand and dance this area is general admission without any seats. For shows without a pit, sections 1-3 extend all the way to the stage. The front rows is set up with temporary chairs in these instances. Sections 4-9  The largest sections at Coastal Credit Union Music Park are located at the back of the pavilion in sections 4-9. There are up to 35 rows in each section. Behind the VIP Box Seats in the middle of the theater are sections 6 and 7. These sections provide good height to see the stage clearly and without any obstructions. To be covered, buy tickets lower than Row Q. Most shows are rain or shine, and these lower rows guarantee you a dry outing. Single-letter rows are closest to the stage followed by double-lettered rows.  Numbered rows 1-3 in sections 4-5 and 8-9 are small groups of seats located near the box seats. The lower rows of Section 5 and 8 offer good views and are actually a better alternative to the back rows of head-on Sections 6 and 7. 

  • Reserved Side


    The cheapest reserved tickets are found in side sections 4, 5, 8 and 9. Each of these sections is covered by the roof through about Row Q. Buying tickets in rows R-Z and AA through HH will leave you at the mercy of Mother Nature and there's a small chance your view will be obstructed by one of the pillars holding up the roof. The lower rows of Section 5 and 8 offer good views and are actually a better alternative to the back rows of head-on Sections 6 and 7.  

  • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
  • "Awesome"

    (Section 4) -

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