Camping World Stadium

Section 115 at Camping World Stadium


Camping World Stadium Section 115 View

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 115 are labeled D-Z, AA-EE
  • Entrances to this section are located at Rows J and EE
  • When looking towards the field/field/stage, lower number seats are on the right

For Concerts, Section 115 May Have a Limited View

115 is behind the stage or to the side of the stage for most concerts. This may restrict or limit your view of the performance.

For more information about the stage setup for your show, find your event.

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 115 Reviews

    Good Seats Poor Access

    Jan 2014

    Football Review
    Section 115, Row M, Seats 3&4

    The seats by themselves were great. I had requested easy access, because I have disability in both knees. Your security people sucked. They would not listen to me that I could not climb stairs (about 20 of them) up to level 115, and argued with me about using the handicap ramp to walk and get to the bottom of section 115, row D to walk upwards to row M. That by itself was still a chore walking those 10 rows up and down because your steps are very steep and there is no handrail. They told me once the game started I could not use the ramp. So after I climbed up and then down 20 steps to go the bathroom at half time, then back up 20 steps and down about 3 steps to get back to my seat, I told my husband I wanted to leave. I knew I could not make it to the end of the game without going to the bathroom again. I wouldn't even consider using a concession because I surely could not manage climbing those stairs with anything in my hands. Yes I did first try to walk down the stamps toward the ramp but one of your security people shook his head and said "no". So I will never come back to your stadium again.

    • Lower Level Corner


      Located on the first tier of seating between the endzones and sidelines, Lower Level Corner seating keeps fans close to the action and provides a thrilling view of scoring plays as they approach the near goal line. Four corner sections at the south endzone and four corner sections at the north endzone will be treated to a unique diagonal view of the playing field. Sections in this location contain up to 32 rows of seating running alphabetically from Row A (closest) to Row EE, and followed by handicap accessible seating at the top of the sections. Fewer seating rows will be found in the south endzone where field level entry tunnels occupy to front rows. 

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
    • "Behind band...they kicked us out of our seats."

      (Section 151) -

    Event Schedule

    • Concert
    • Other Soccer