California Mid-State Fair

Section 604 at California Mid-State Fair


Section 604 Seating Notes

  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts
  • Related Seating: Floor Sections

Row Numbers

  • For most concerts, rows in Section 604 are labeled A-Z, AA-ZZ, AAA-HHH

Ticket Deals for Section 604

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Section 604 Reviews

  • Floor Sections


    When looking at the California Mid-State Fair seating chart, numbered sections in the 000s (e.g.: 501, 701, etc.) are known as Floor Level seats. This is a flat seating area with a variety of different price points. Best Floor Sections  Sections closest to the center of the stage are typically the most sought-after seats. This includes 500, 700 and sections 601-604. Row A in each of these areas is up against the stage. For the best experience, we highly recommend choosing the closest row possible. This makes it easier to see the stage and cuts down on the severe viewing angle at the back of 500 and 700. Many shows will also include a general admission Pit right in front of the stage. While you won't have a seat in the Pit, these are considered some of the best tickets at a Fair concert. When the Pit is added, the size of sections 601-604 is reduced and the first row behind the Pit is usually row N. Side Sections on the Floor  As you move farther away from the stage, views to the stage begin to deteriorate. The two primary issues being the flat seating and the angled sitelines. You can get a slightly better angle by being at the back of the 500s or 700s, but that will result in having to look over more people (which is the biggest complaint on the Floor). Sections 504-508 and 704-707 are usually the cheapest tickets for these reasons. 

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Event Schedule
