Assembly Hall

Section 8 at Assembly Hall


Assembly Hall Section 8 View

Section 8 Seating Notes

  • Desirable view from near center court

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 8 are labeled 1-4
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row 1

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Section 8 Reviews

    • Floor Sideline


      The Floor Sideline seats at Assembly Hall are some of the best seats you can find for and Indiana basketball game. With no more than 5 rows in each section you will practically feel like you are on the court with the players. With so few rows of seating there are not many seats available, which makes these sections some of the priciest options at Assembly Hall.  Not only do these seats offer great center court views, but you can be really close to the players. Section 4 is right behind the Indiana bench, with section 3 being right behind the visiting team's bench. Another thing to keep in mind is that these are bleacher-style seating, meaning there will be no back support. If having back support is important to you, look for seats in one of the upper level sections. 

    Indiana Ticket Information

    The 2025 Indiana Hoosiers ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.
