Nationwide Arena

Section 210 at Nationwide Arena


Nationwide Arena Section 210 View

Section 210 Seating Notes

  • The Blue Jackets shoot twice towards this end of the ice
  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Section 210 are labeled A, E-Q
  • When looking towards the ice/court/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Ticket Deals for Section 210

Event/Date Section 210Section 209Section 211All Sections

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Section 210 Reviews

Jackets vs. Predators

Jan 2012

Hockey Review
Section 210, Row M, Seats 1-4

CBJ lost, as is their usual, but a fun time nonetheless.

  • Upper End (Hockey)


    Sitting behind the net on the upper level gives fans a unique perspective with a viewing height that allows you to see almost every inch of the ice. Watching the game from behind the goal is more suited to the hockey fan who appreciates watching plays develop, but may not the best for the casual fan. Sections 209-211 are best for Columbus natives as these seats will be closer to the net where the Jackets shoot twice. Sections in this area have up to 18 lettered rows of seating. 

  • Upper Level Baseline (Basketball)


    Fans with a strict budget will likely be stuck shopping within the upper baseline seating zone for basketball games at Nationwide Arena. Though most of the seats are undesirable, there are a few hidden gems. The front rows (A-F) of Sections 222-226 are the lowest-hanging seats in the upper level - far closer to the action than many corner seats and even some sideline seats. Fans considering anything higher than Row M are advised to consider Turf Terrace seats instead, if available. The views are similar, but the legroom and ease of getting in and out of the seats is much better. 

Blue Jackets Ticket Information

The 2025 Columbus Blue Jackets ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

Event Schedule

  • Blue Jackets
  • Concert
  • Other