Comerica Park

Tiger Den 126 at Comerica Park


Comerica Park Tiger Den 126 View

Tiger Den 126 Seating Notes

  • For baseball games, we recommend these seats for impressing a guest
  • For baseball games, desirable view from behind home plate
  • Head-on view of the performance for end-stage concerts
  • Premium seating area as part of the Tiger Den Seats
  • Rows C and above are under cover
  • See all shaded and covered seating

Row Numbers

  • Rows in Tiger Den 126 are labeled A-H
  • An entrance to this section is located at Row H
  • When looking towards the field/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Interactive Seating Chart


  • Tiger Den 126 Reviews

    Oversized seats are great!

    Jul 2024

    Baseball Review
    Tiger Den 126, Row E, Seats 3-4

    Tiger Den seats are just off the main concourse. They are large wooden chairs with a padded cushion. There is also a small table between the two chairs. Tiger Den seats are 22 inches wide. There is so much legroom between rows. Great view of the entire field. Rows A-C are in the sun for part of a day game (1pm start), but Rows D and up are in the shade. No waiting in the long lines at the main gates either, with early access to the Tiger Den Lounge. The lounge is available from 2 hours before game time through the end of the game. Think of it like a sports bar. Food and drinks are available. Restrooms too! I can't imagine ever sitting in a normal seat again.

    • Tiger Den Seats


      Tiger Den seats are among the most popular and desirable seating options at Comerica Park. These seats offer an elevated view of the field from the infield. Fans will enjoy some of the best views of Tigers baseball while remaining fully under cover.  Lettered rows A-H in sections TD120 through TD135 make up the Tiger Den seats. In addition to fantastic sitelines, all Tiger Den seats are cushioned and come with a small table for food and beverage. In-seat wait service (Tigers games only) ensures that you will not have to leave the comfort of your your seat for concessions. For MLB games, ticketholders will have access to the Tiger Den and Club Lounge, along with a private entrance to the ballpark. 

    • For Baseball - Recommended For Impressing a Guest


      Premium experience in the Tigers Den seats. Padded seating with your own side table. Protective overhang to keep seats in the shade

    • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
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      (Tiger Den 121) - -

      Great seats. Club level has lots of room and great delivery service.

    Tigers Ticket Information

    The 2025 Detroit Tigers ticket guide includes the season schedule, ticket price information, and the best options for buying tickets.

    Event Schedule

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