Allstate Arena

Section 101 at Allstate Arena


Allstate Arena Section 101 View

Row Numbers

  • For most events, rows in Section 101 are labeled AA-FF, A-O
  • When looking towards the court/stage, lower number seats are on the right

Ticket Deals for Section 101

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Section 101 Reviews

Gloria Trevi - Sep 21, 2019

Sep 2019

Concert Review
Section 101, Row BB   Verified Customer

Good seats!

  • Lower Level Side (Concert)


    Sections 103 and 110 are home to some of the best seats for a traditional end stage performance at Allstate Arena thanks to close proximity to the stage, good viewing height above floor level, and a clear line of sight to the center of the action. To be closest to the typical end stage here, you will want to either be in the higher numbered seats of section 103 (most rows have 28 to 30 seats), or the lower numbered seats of section 110. For those looking to get as close as possible for a traditional stage layout, sections 104 and 109 are options to consider but fans should be prepared for an extreme side angle view from the majority of seats. To avoid the most difficult views, opt for the lower numbered seats in section 104, or the higher numbered seats in section 109.  Most lower level side sections feature double lettered rows at the very front, followed by single lettered rows above. Sections 104 and 109 are the exceptions during a traditional end stage layout, as they do not extend as far to the floor and begin have single lettered rows only. Entry tunnels are located at the top of the sections, leaving the shortest walks to and from the concourse for those seated in rows J and higher. 

  • Ratings & Reviews From Similar Seats
  • "Michael Buble - Jul 20, 2019"

    (Section 110) -
  • "Good"

    (Section 112) - -

    Seats were a little tight and small for a man. Many open seats around us, but this section was tightly bunched together.

Event Schedule

  • Concert
  • Other