The weather is about to start heating up and that could only mean one thing – baseball season – one of our favorite times of the year here at With this time of year often comes a common question - Where is the best place to sit for a baseball game?

It’s understandable why this is so commonly asked since baseball stadiums are the most unique of any sport. After all, baseball is the only major sport where the size of the playing surface changes depending on where the game is being played. With that comes a variety of different experiences depending on where you choose to sit.
Below you’ll find some hand-picked areas within any ballpark that give fans these unique experiences every day.
It is important to keep in mind that these suggestions are for MOST stadiums. Every stadium is different and what may be a drawback for some may not be in others.
Scout Seats Behind Home Plate
Cost: $ $ $ $ Expensive
Best for: Avid fans, Impressing guests
For me, the closer I can sit to a baseball game the better. The seats directly behind home plate are typically referred to as “scout seats”. This name comes from the fact that scouts often sit in these seats to get the best view of the players they're watching.

These premier sections usually have the best amenities with many stadiums offering in-seat wait service, club access, and padded seats with extra leg room.
Sitting here you’ll have a view of the entire field and a clear view of the video boards that sit in the outfield. Some say the downside to these seats are that you have to watch the game through a net that protects fans from foul balls. For my money, once the game starts, I don’t even notice the netting, so it's not really a deal-breaker for me.
My favorite part about these seats is that it is easy to follow the details of the game. I love the strategy of baseball. Sitting here, I am sucked into the game, watching the break on every pitch, looking at the managers as they strategize, and maybe even disagreeing with the umpire every once in a while (O.K., maybe more than once in a while).
However, for most fans (myself included) it is a rare occasion to get an opportunity to sit in these sections. Since this area of the ballpark is so desirable, tickets are not the friendliest on the wallet.

If you are more of a casual fan, or are taking a family, there are probably other areas in the ballpark that will better suit your needs. At the same time, if you are looking for the absolute best way to take in a ballgame, these seats are sure to impress.
Behind the Dugouts
Cost: $ $ $ Expensive
Best for: Being close to the game, Getting a ball, Seeing the players
If you are looking to get a good view of your favorite players, seats located directly behind the dugout are the perfect place to be. These seats are ideal to watch players as they come on and off the field between innings. Often times when the team is coming off the field on defense they will toss a souvenir to lucky fans sitting behind their dugout.
These seats are excellent for watching the game as well. Dugouts are located alongside the infield at most stadiums, so fans sitting here will have a comfortable view of the pitcher’s mound and batter's box where most of the action happens.
One thing to be aware of when looking to purchase tickets in this location is which dugout you choose to sit behind. The side of the home and away dugouts do vary depending on the stadium. If you need help determining the location of your team's dugout, visit the Seating Guide page for the venue or contact us.
Major League Baseball is looking to eliminate one of the major downsides of these seats - foul balls whizzing and injuring fans as they watch the game. As of 2020, many major league teams extended protective netting that now extends all the way down the lines. The trade-off for this is that now fans sitting in these seats will have to watch through this net. This netting will vary from stadium to stadium with some extending all the way down and others stopping a little bit short.

Even if you don’t have tickets in these sections you can still take advantage of these seats before the game. Most stadiums will let fans go down to the dugouts and field level up to about 45 minutes before first pitch. This allows kids an opportunity for autographs and to interact with their idols.
Outfield Sections
Cost: $ - $ $ Affordable
Best for: Socializing, Catching a home run, Fans on a budget
By far the most unique sections at baseball stadiums are in the outfield. These are the sections that give us the Green Monster at Fenway, the Bleachers at Wrigley, and the Arcade Seats at Oracle Park, just to name a few.

Of course, being behind the outfield wall also makes them some of the farthest seats from the action happening in the infield. This doesn’t mean these seats can’t still be exciting. Instead, there are times when these sections are the most entertaining. One reason for this is the excitement surrounding a home run at a baseball game. When this happens, it’s the lucky fans in the outfield seats that get to catch the ball as the rest of the crowd reacts.
There have been many times that I've sat in the bleachers at Wrigley Field with the wind blowing out and a ball that would be pop up anywhere else became a home run. I enjoy the outfield seats for this reason, as they are the only sections where the action on the field comes to you.
Each game only a few fans will be fortunate enough to catch a souvenir. If you are an early arriving fan, most teams take batting practice on the field before the game sending balls flying into the outfield seats for fans to grab.

The Downside to Sitting in the Outfield
As exciting as fantasizing about catching a home run may be, there are drawbacks to sitting in outfield sections. To start, players can only hit the ball so far. If you’re sitting in sections further back in the outfield you can kiss those dreams of catching a long ball goodbye.
Also, many outfield sections at baseball stadiums are bleacher seating which means fans won’t have individual seats, but instead a spot on a bench.
Video boards are also typically located behind the outfield sections, so in order to see it fans must turn all the way around.
You should also be aware of shade options on a hot sunny day as most outfield sections are typically left unprotected from the sun. You can use our shade and cover tool if this is a concern for you.
Finally, for some stadiums, fans in the outfield sections can be considered a rowdy bunch. Due to the proximity to the bullpens and outfielders, unruly fans occasionally will shout at players, creating an environment that may be uncomfortable for families with small children.
Low Rows in the Upper Level
Cost: $ - $ $ Affordable
Best for: Fans on a budget, Scenic views, Avoiding the crowd
For most stadiums, you will find some of the most affordable seating in the upper levels of the stadium. This is mostly due to the proximity of these seats to the game below. If you are looking for tickets in these sections a simple rule to keep in mind is that the closer the seats are to home plate, the better.

For me, upper level
seats can really allow fans to take in the atmosphere of a ballgame. Being higher up, you are able to see the full
field, the crowd below, video boards, and (depending on the stadium) some great
scenery as well. If you are a casual fan that doesn’t need to be close to the
action and are just looking to take in a ball game these seats may be perfect
for you.
A good way to determine if you’re getting a good seat for the price is to look at the Deal Rating listed with each ticket on This rating takes a look at the price of the ticket and the view you'll have, and will return a number between 1-100 with the best deals have a rating of 100.
For most stadiums, entry tunnels will come in on the bottom half of the upper level. So ideal seats will be in the lower rows of the sections. However, be aware that some stadiums will have railings at the bottom that can get in the way of your view if you sit too close to them.

While these tickets may be cheaper, they also may leave you feeling removed from the crowd and the game. Some upper decks are massive and can be left empty which is why the ticket prices are on the lower side.
At the same time, if you are not a people person, and don’t enjoy being in crowds, these seats could be the perfect alternative.
Other downsides for these seats include limited/worse food options, steep steps, and few opportunities to catch a foul ball.
What About Aisle Seating?
One question we also get asked a lot about is aisle seating. Aisle seating is great if you are sitting in the infield as it allows for quick in-and-out access between innings. Trips to the bathroom or for that second hot dog can be made faster because of this convenience.
However, you should be aware of which aisle you are sitting on in outfield sections. If you are sitting on the side closest to the infield you may get frustrated with fans walking up and down the aisle in front of you, blocking your view as they cross.
Unlike other sports
where people are only allowed to use the aisles during stoppage of play, some
stadiums let fans use them at any time. For this reason, we always suggest the
aisle seats on the outfield side of the section.
Be Prepared for Weather
Two of the most common questions we get asked is “Where should I sit to be covered from rain?” or “Where can I find shade?”. These are great questions because weather elements can really have an effect on your experience at the ballpark.
The answer to these questions are always unique to the stadium. Older stadiums like Wrigley Field and Fenway Park typically have large overhangs that cover and protect a lot of seats from Mother Nature. The downside to this is all the poles that are used to support those overhangs which could lead to obstructed views.

Newer stadiums have done away with these poles and large overhangs. While seats may have better views, they are also left exposed to the rain or sun depending on the weather. The best way to check to see if your seats are protected from the elements is to use our Shade and Cover tool. Using this tool, you can ensure that you’ll be covered for whatever weather concerns you may be having.

Where Do You Like to Sit?
Have thoughts about seating for a baseball game? Let us know! Tweet at us @RateYourSeats or Contact Us and send us your experiences at the ballpark.
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